Digest Archives Vol 1 Issue 205
From: owner-champ-l-digest@sysabend.org
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 1999 3:42 PM
To: champ-l-digest@sysabend.org
Subject: champ-l-digest V1 #205
champ-l-digest Sunday, February 14 1999 Volume 01 : Number 205
In this issue:
Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
Re: Happy99.exe
Re: Paying END sporadically
Character: Peregrin "Pippin" Took
Rook's Super Hero site Moved
RE: Character: The One Ring
RE: Character: The One Ring
RE: Happy99.exe
RE: Paying END sporadically
Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
RE: Happy99.exe
RE: Happy99.exe
RE: Paying END sporadically
Re: Character: The One Ring
Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
Re: Character: The One Ring
RE: Character: The One Ring
Re: Paying END sporadically
Character: Radagast The Brown
Re: Character: The One Ring
Character: Sam Gamgee
Spirit Rules (was:The One Ring)
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 99 12:40:59
From: "qts" <qts@nildram.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
On Thu, 11 Feb 1999 21:29:38 -0500, Mike Christodoulou wrote:
>At 02:46 PM 2/11/99 -0800, Bob Greenwade wrote:
>>>>If you do not buy "Invisible Power Effects", is a
>>>>Damage Shield always visible? Or just when it actually
>>>>does its damage?
>> A Damage Shield that's Always On is also Always Visible. :-]
>This seems to be the consensus. Looks like I'll have to buy
>IPE with this. However, here's the effect I want. It is
>unnoticible (at least to normal sight) until somebody hits
>it -- then there's a huge spark.
>Since IPE is generally +1/2, would a +1/4 advantage be appropriate?
>(Invisible except when attacking.)
Ummm... does this actually Limit the Power? I'm not sure that it does.
Home: qts@nildram.co.uk.
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 12:56:46 -0500
From: geoff heald <gheald@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Re: Happy99.exe
At 08:21 AM 2/13/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>Based on the following data, I consider it likely that Filksinger didn't do
>>this intentionally. He probably got infected himself and sent it out
>>unknowingly. Filksinger! Clean your drive carefully, okay! Good luck! :)
>>I _never_ open attachments from people I don't know, so I was safe.
>>Anti-virus programs and utilities are fine. But practice safe netting
>I'm happy to say that I got this as e-mail text rather than as a file; it
>was like a printout of the code. So I don't have to worry about it causing
>any problems to my system. Anyone else get it like this?
I did!
First time I've ever been glad my ISP mangled an attachment.
Geoff Heald
And it's a little-known fact that the Y1K problem caused the Dark Ages.
Roving bands of well-paid craftsmen fitted two extra beads to abacuses and
sorted it out.
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 99 18:59:10
From: "qts" <qts@nildram.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Paying END sporadically
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999 12:23:54 -0800, Filksinger wrote:
>From: qts <qts@nildram.co.uk>
>>> Or, a Force Wall that stays up without much
>>>effort, but every time someone hits it, you pay END.
>>Can you elaborate on this? What is the SFX?
>I don't know if there is an SFX for most versions of Force Wall, but it is a
>variation on the "Feedback" Limitation on Force Wall. It is often seen in
>Star Trek and other SF shows. Force Wall stays up for long periods of time,
>but when you get hit, it still holds, but you start losing power to run it;
>your reserves start to drain. If they hit it enough, you eventually lose the
>power needed to keep it up. Get more energy, and suddenly you aren't worried
>about it; it will hold. If the new energy source is continuos, you need
>never worry about it again.
Surely this is simply a variation on Ablative? The 'get more energy' is
simply recasting the effect.
Home: qts@nildram.co.uk.
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 14:39:39 -0500
From: Scott Nolan <nolan@erols.com>
Subject: Character: Peregrin "Pippin" Took
10 STR 0
14 DEX 12
10 CON 0
8 BODY 4
12 INT 2
12 EGO 4
6/16 PRE 4
10 COM 0
4 PD 2
3 ED 1
3 SPD 6
5 REC 2
34 END 7
28 STUN 10
Characteristics Cost: 38
7 12 Mental Defense,Only v. Mind Control
7 +10 Presence,Only for Defense
2 WF,Swords,Bows
10 2 Levels: Ranged Combat
4 Reversal
3 Martial Grab
3 Animal Handler 11-
1 Navigation 8-
1 Stealth 8-
1 Survival 8-
1 Lang: Hobbitish, native, literacy
3 Lang: Westron, fluent w/accent, literacy
6 AK: The Shire 15-
10 2D6 Luck
20 Package,"Barrow-Blade", OAF, STR Min 10
(16) 1 1/2D6 Killing Attack HTH, +1 Increased Stun Mult
(4) 2 Levels
Powers Cost: 79
Total Cost: 117
Base Points: 75
5 Psychological Limitation, "Brave", uncommon, moderate
10 Psychological Limitation, "Loyal to Frodo", uncommon, strong
10 Psychological Limitation, "Curious", common, moderate
5 Unluck,1D6
12 Trollkiller Bonus
Disadvantages Total: 42
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 117
Peregrin Took, known universally as Pippin, was one of the hobbits
who took part in the Fellowship of the Ring. He was born in The Shire
in Third Age 2990 and was twenty-nine at the time of the War of the Ring.
Adventurous and curious, Pippin was easily dismissed as the least
of the Fellowship. But he was also uncommonly brave and lucky.
It is arguable that Pippin's curiosity led to the Balrog's discovery of
the Fellowship in Moria, which resulted in Gandalf's 'death'. It is also
arguable that this happenstance prevented Gollum from stealing the
One Ring during that time.
After the breaking of the Fellowship at Parth Galen, Pippin and his
cousin Merry were kidnapped by Saruman's orcs and taken toward
Orthanc. They escaped during a raid by the Rohirrim, and fled into
the forest of Fangorn, where they befriended Fangorn the ent. With
Merry, Pippin drank of the ent-draught and eventually grew to be one
of the two largest hobbits ever.
He accompanied the ents to Orthanc, and when Grima tried to kill
Gandalf by throwing the palantir at him, Pippin picked it up and looked
into it. He immediately caught the attention of Sauron, and was
questioned by him, but not harmed.
He later rode with Gandalf to Gondor, where he became a Guard
of the Citadel in service to Denethor. He disobeyed Denethor's
last order and warned Gandalf and Beregond of Denethor's mad
plan of suicide and so saved Faramir's life. Later, he marched with
the army to the Morannon and distinguished himself by killing an
Olog-hai, a great troll.
After the War, Pippin was made a Knight of Gondor and King's
Counsellor. He helped mobilize the hobbits against Saruman's
control, and was later elected thirty-second Thain of the Shire.
He maintained contact with the outside world for the rest of his
life until in Fourth Age 64 (at the age of ninety-five), he resigned
his post and travelled with Merry to see Gondor and Rohan
once more. They both died in Gondor a few years later and were
buried in the House of the Kings.
1) This is an attempt to capture Pippin as he leaves Fangorn
Forest. In later years (indeed, later that year), he should be]
given at least one level in swords, and possibly more. Not
just anyone kills an olog-hai.
2) Pippin has been given two wrestling maneuvers. In Gondor,
he tells Barahir, son of Beregond, that he knows several wrestling
tricks. Pippin doesn't seem to be the sort to bluff. He's no
Hulk Hogan, but he has some small skill at wrestling.
3) Pippin's Curiosity, Luck and Unluck are the principle cause
of most of his adventures and narrow escapes.
"Do not despise the lore that has come down from
distant years; for oft it may chance that old wives
keep in memory word of things that once it were
needful for the wise to know."
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Scott C. Nolan
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 12:07:48 -0800
From: Rook <rook@infinex.com>
Subject: Rook's Super Hero site Moved
I've moved my website to
The old one will go away in about a month.
If you have a link to me, please update it.
Thank you.
- --
Rook ¿Õ ¿ë ±â WebRPG TownHall Magistrate townhall.webrpg.com <0){{{{><
__ Super WebRing http://orion.supersoldiers.com/heroes/webring.html
/.)\ Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse.
\(@/ http://www.jps.net/arcady/SH/ Super Hero RPG Site
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 17:02:10 -0500
From: Scott Nolan <nolan@erols.com>
Subject: RE: Character: The One Ring
At 04:33 PM 2/13/99 -0500, Scott A. Colcord wrote:
>> 9 1/2D6 major Transform, "to slavish servant of the Ring",
>> Gradual (every day), IIF, Continuous, Uncontrolled,
>> 0 END Persistent
>A few things that might help to model the effect...since the ring's
>on someone seemed to be more dependent on their strength of character than
>their actual power, I'd drop it to a 1 pip transform, and make it an NND
>vs. a successful EGO roll. The EGO roll could take large modifiers based on
>the victim's psych lims (Greed or powerlust giving severe penalties).
Good idea, Scott. Thanks. For whatever reason, Heromaker doesn't
allow a 1 pip Transform. But I think you are right.
>This would allow a person like Bilbo, who is fairly unremarkable but benign,
>to resist the ring's domination for 60 odd years, while Smeagol gave in
>much more easily. Someone like Saruman would also succumb more quickly.
>The ring might also have some kind of powers relating to its control of the
>other rings, since it is the "One ring to rule them all". Then again, this
>might be better expressed as a disadvantage on the other rings.
Yeah, I decided to go with the latter when I re-do the rings.
"Do not despise the lore that has come down from
distant years; for oft it may chance that old wives
keep in memory word of things that once it were
needful for the wise to know."
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Scott C. Nolan
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 01:06:55 -0800
From: "Filksinger" <filkhero@usa.net>
Subject: RE: Character: The One Ring
From: Scott Nolan
> 9 1/2D6 major Transform, "to slavish servant of the Ring",
> Gradual (every day), IIF, Continuous, Uncontrolled,
> 0 END Persistent
Did you give the various Hobbits (Frodo and Bilbo, at least) Power
Defense? If not, Frodo would have been total slave to the Ring long
before the end of the book.
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 01:06:51 -0800
From: "Filksinger" <filkhero@usa.net>
Subject: RE: Happy99.exe
From: CptPatriot@aol.com
> Couldn't someone get a virus if the e-mail was send as HTML
> with a script
> language of some sort?
Not so far as is known. Scripting languages that can be run via an
HTML document are designed to make it impossible. If you _run_ an
attachment, then it is theoretically possible, but your browser is
needed to run HTML, and it prevents such things as part of its design.
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 01:06:52 -0800
From: "Filksinger" <filkhero@usa.net>
Subject: RE: Paying END sporadically
From: qts [mailto:qts@nildram.co.uk]
> Surely this is simply a variation on Ablative? The 'get
> more energy' is
> simply recasting the effect.
Not exactly. I have a Force Field. So long as nothing is directed
against it, it is effortless to maintain. If something _is_ directed
against it, it stops it, but I get tired faster.
I did just think of an SFX for it: A reactive field. In other words,
if intense energy is directed against it, it draws more energy from
its user to deflect it, instantly.
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 01:12:41 -0800 (PST)
From: shaw@caprica.com (Wayne Shaw)
Subject: Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
>>This seems to be the consensus. Looks like I'll have to buy
>>IPE with this. However, here's the effect I want. It is
>>unnoticible (at least to normal sight) until somebody hits
>>it -- then there's a huge spark.
>>Since IPE is generally +1/2, would a +1/4 advantage be appropriate?
>>(Invisible except when attacking.)
>Ummm... does this actually Limit the Power? I'm not sure that it does.
Good question. Most of the time people are going to notice the guy took
damage after it happened with normal IPE on a Damage Shield, and it's
unlikely to be unclear where it came from. So I'm not sure this is much
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 01:12:12 -0800
From: "Filksinger" <filkhero@usa.net>
Subject: RE: Happy99.exe
From: geoff heald
> I have heard that Win98 allows HTML to address the
> operating system, so you
> could write an email that reformatted people's hard drives,
> for instance.
> There is security built into Win98 to warn you about
> dangerous HTML when it
> comes in, but it won't filter your email and once it is on
> your harddrive
> Win98 Assumes it is safe.
Absolutely not. While someday someone may find a flaw in the code to
allow something like this, _in theory_, the system is designed to make
this impossible.
HTML code doesn't access your hard drive, and any program found in
email or via browser is automatically run in a "sandbox" that locks it
away from your hard drive.
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 01:06:48 -0800
From: "Filksinger" <filkhero@usa.net>
Subject: RE: Happy99.exe
From: Leah L Watts
> (I've been thinking about switching to Juno Gold, which allows file
> attachments, but this little episode is making me reconsider ....)
You'd be safe. Just don't run _programs_ that get downloaded. When you
get a file, do not open it if it ends in .exe, .com, .bat, or .sys.
Additionally, do not open Word documents (.doc)if you have Microsoft
Word, or Excel files (.xls) if you have Microsoft Excel, unless you
have the feature that allows you to disable macros (in which event you
disable the macros; macro viruses are the most common of all, and they
were only invented about 4 years ago) Files that end in .jpg, .gif,
.mpg, .mov, .avi, .wav, .mid, and .mp3, for example, are safe.
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 01:06:54 -0800
From: "Filksinger" <filkhero@usa.net>
Subject: RE: Paying END sporadically
Several people have made the suggestion that this should be reflected
as a Limitation on the Advantage "0 END".
I have considered this, but it doesn't work quite right. For most
uses, yes, that would be best, but what if I want a power that costs
full END plus extra when an attack occurs?
For example, a Force Field that costs full END until I am hit, then
costs x2 END. I could put a Limitation on a Limitation (x2 END, only
when hit), but several people have claimed in the past that this
should be illegal. Instead, I am using the Limited Power Limitation,
which is legal. Note that any case where a Limited Limitation appears
to be the best answer, this could be done, so long as the initial
Limitation was not a -1/4.
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 99 08:39:14 -0400
From: John P Weatherman <asahoshi@nr.infi.net>
Subject: Re: Character: The One Ring
Scott Nolan nolan@erols.com 2/13/99 1:26 PM
>48 Invisibility, Sight Group, no fringe, IIF, 0 END
>2 Life Support, immune to aging, IIF
>8 Astral Vision, IIF
Using the spirit rules, I would think you would need to
model these as +2 Effects Real World, -0 Only in a Focus
(the Ring Spirit never leaves the focus), -1/4 IIF, Usable
By Others(+1/2 level) (the wearer uses them but the Spirit
shouldn't lose access to them). The Life Support should
probably be partially limited on the UBO to only slows
aging (w/ special effects of the slow transform to a wraith).
>9 1/2D6 major Transform, "to slavish servant of the Ring",
> Gradual (every day), IIF, Continuous, Uncontrolled,
> 0 END Persistent
I think the dice pool needs to be larger with a limitation
based on range to the Cracks of Doom. The closer to
Orodruin the Ring is brought, the stronger it becames. This
probably applies to the Mind Control as well. Filksinger
pointed out an interesting problem as well. With a 1-3 range
of effect, a hobbit would either end up totally immune to
the Ring (PowDef 3) or would be transformed MUCH faster
that anything the book represented, even in Gollum's case
(DowDef 2 means 1 pip every 3 days, total transformation time:
72 days, a little over 2 months...).
Finally, this effect seems to be better represented by a 1
charge/{some period} and cumulative rather than Gradual. After
all, the effects of the Ring never increase once the Ring
passes to a new owner, and Gradual basically moves the power
into the owner where it continues to work on a set schedual.
Also, gradual was developed more for drains, Transform already
had/has a mechanic.
>1) I have represented the Ring as a Spirit and bought all its
>powers through a focus. This is in keeping with the Ring's
>sentient nature.
Seems reasonable, however all the Rings follow the same basic
pattern as layed down by Sauron. So if the One Ring is built
this way, the others should be too...
>3) I have bought the Aid as 10 points per die, instead of 5. I feel this
>is the reasonable price for Aid.
I thought that was just an errata correction to the core rules...:)
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 00:01:54 +1000
From: "Lockie" <jonesl@cqnet.com.au>
Subject: Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
one wil tel you not to hit the guy, the other you need somebody else to hit
them to know that.
That's a substantial difference.
- -----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Shaw <shaw@caprica.com>
To: champ-l@sysabend.org <champ-l@sysabend.org>
Date: Sunday, February 14, 1999 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
>>>This seems to be the consensus. Looks like I'll have to buy
>>>IPE with this. However, here's the effect I want. It is
>>>unnoticible (at least to normal sight) until somebody hits
>>>it -- then there's a huge spark.
>>>Since IPE is generally +1/2, would a +1/4 advantage be appropriate?
>>>(Invisible except when attacking.)
>>Ummm... does this actually Limit the Power? I'm not sure that it does.
>Good question. Most of the time people are going to notice the guy took
>damage after it happened with normal IPE on a Damage Shield, and it's
>unlikely to be unclear where it came from. So I'm not sure this is much
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 99 14:30:07
From: "qts" <qts@nildram.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
On Mon, 15 Feb 1999 00:01:54 +1000, Lockie wrote:
>one wil tel you not to hit the guy, the other you need somebody else to hit
>them to know that.
>That's a substantial difference.
Not entirely sure - I mean, something happens when he gets hit, but how
can people tell that it's his defenses, not the attack?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Wayne Shaw <shaw@caprica.com>
>To: champ-l@sysabend.org <champ-l@sysabend.org>
>Date: Sunday, February 14, 1999 7:52 PM
>Subject: Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
>>>>This seems to be the consensus. Looks like I'll have to buy
>>>>IPE with this. However, here's the effect I want. It is
>>>>unnoticible (at least to normal sight) until somebody hits
>>>>it -- then there's a huge spark.
>>>>Since IPE is generally +1/2, would a +1/4 advantage be appropriate?
>>>>(Invisible except when attacking.)
>>>Ummm... does this actually Limit the Power? I'm not sure that it does.
>>Good question. Most of the time people are going to notice the guy took
>>damage after it happened with normal IPE on a Damage Shield, and it's
>>unlikely to be unclear where it came from. So I'm not sure this is much
Home: qts@nildram.co.uk.
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 01:17:19 +1000
From: "Lockie" <jonesl@cqnet.com.au>
Subject: Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
well, the attacker takes damage. it's quite clear-cut.
WIth full invisible power effects, nobody has a clear
link between the damage and the charcter. no power
goes off, no-one sees anything distinctive, ect.
WIth partial invisible, IF somebody hits the guy, then
it's clear there is a power. Otherwise it is not.
With noninvisible, even if they don't hit him, it's clear
there's a power effect, probably a 'nasty' one.
- -----Original Message-----
From: qts <qts@nildram.co.uk>
To: champ-l@sysabend.org <champ-l@sysabend.org&> Lockie
Date: Monday, February 15, 1999 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
>On Mon, 15 Feb 1999 00:01:54 +1000, Lockie wrote:
>>one wil tel you not to hit the guy, the other you need somebody else to
>>them to know that.
>>That's a substantial difference.
>Not entirely sure - I mean, something happens when he gets hit, but how
>can people tell that it's his defenses, not the attack?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Wayne Shaw <shaw@caprica.com>
>>To: champ-l@sysabend.org <champ-l@sysabend.org>
>>Date: Sunday, February 14, 1999 7:52 PM
>>Subject: Re: Damage Shield question (& answer)
>>>>>This seems to be the consensus. Looks like I'll have to buy
>>>>>IPE with this. However, here's the effect I want. It is
>>>>>unnoticible (at least to normal sight) until somebody hits
>>>>>it -- then there's a huge spark.
>>>>>Since IPE is generally +1/2, would a +1/4 advantage be appropriate?
>>>>>(Invisible except when attacking.)
>>>>Ummm... does this actually Limit the Power? I'm not sure that it does.
>>>Good question. Most of the time people are going to notice the guy took
>>>damage after it happened with normal IPE on a Damage Shield, and it's
>>>unlikely to be unclear where it came from. So I'm not sure this is much
>Home: qts@nildram.co.uk.
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 10:49:15 -0500
From: Scott Nolan <nolan@erols.com>
Subject: Re: Character: The One Ring
At 08:39 AM 2/14/99 -0400, John P Weatherman wrote:
>Scott Nolan nolan@erols.com 2/13/99 1:26 PM
>>48 Invisibility, Sight Group, no fringe, IIF, 0 END
>>2 Life Support, immune to aging, IIF
>>8 Astral Vision, IIF
>Using the spirit rules, I would think you would need to
>model these as +2 Effects Real World, -0 Only in a Focus
>(the Ring Spirit never leaves the focus), -1/4 IIF, Usable
>By Others(+1/2 level) (the wearer uses them but the Spirit
>shouldn't lose access to them). The Life Support should
>probably be partially limited on the UBO to only slows
>aging (w/ special effects of the slow transform to a wraith).
Spirits confined to a focus do not need Affects Real World
(Hero Almanac, p. 48)
>>9 1/2D6 major Transform, "to slavish servant of the Ring",
>> Gradual (every day), IIF, Continuous, Uncontrolled,
>> 0 END Persistent
>I think the dice pool needs to be larger with a limitation
>based on range to the Cracks of Doom. The closer to
>Orodruin the Ring is brought, the stronger it becames. This
>probably applies to the Mind Control as well. Filksinger
>pointed out an interesting problem as well. With a 1-3 range
>of effect, a hobbit would either end up totally immune to
>the Ring (PowDef 3) or would be transformed MUCH faster
>that anything the book represented, even in Gollum's case
>(DowDef 2 means 1 pip every 3 days, total transformation time:
>72 days, a little over 2 months...).
>Finally, this effect seems to be better represented by a 1
>charge/{some period} and cumulative rather than Gradual. After
>all, the effects of the Ring never increase once the Ring
>passes to a new owner, and Gradual basically moves the power
>into the owner where it continues to work on a set schedual.
>Also, gradual was developed more for drains, Transform already
>had/has a mechanic.
So, alternate suggestions?
>>1) I have represented the Ring as a Spirit and bought all its
>>powers through a focus. This is in keeping with the Ring's
>>sentient nature.
>Seems reasonable, however all the Rings follow the same basic
>pattern as layed down by Sauron. So if the One Ring is built
>this way, the others should be too...
No. Only the One Ring is sentient.
"Do not despise the lore that has come down from
distant years; for oft it may chance that old wives
keep in memory word of things that once it were
needful for the wise to know."
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Scott C. Nolan
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 11:28:34 -0500
From: "Scott A. Colcord" <sacolcor@ic.net>
Subject: RE: Character: The One Ring
> >1) I have represented the Ring as a Spirit and bought all its
> >powers through a focus. This is in keeping with the Ring's
> >sentient nature.
> Seems reasonable, however all the Rings follow the same basic
> pattern as layed down by Sauron. So if the One Ring is built
> this way, the others should be too...
Not necessarily, IMHO...we didn't get any indication in the books
that the other Rings were sentient. I think it's very possible
that Sauron put capabilities into the One Ring that the others
would not have.
Date: 14 Feb 1999 11:20:24 -0500
From: Stainless Steel Rat <ratinox@peorth.gweep.net>
Subject: Re: Paying END sporadically
Hash: SHA1
"F" == Filksinger <filkhero@usa.net> writes:
F> Which is irrelevant to what he said or your response. He said it ran
F> "automatically",
That cannot happen unless you use a stupid mail program that does that
(like Outlook). Fortunately, most such programs can disable this
'feature', even Outlook; unfortunately, it is frequently on by default.
Regardless, were I using such a program, disabling the automatic run
'feature' would be the first thing I did. *NOBODY* runs programs on my
machine without my explicit invocation. It is a good policy to have.
Version: GnuPG v0.9.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
- --
Rat <ratinox@peorth.gweep.net> \ Do not use Happy Fun Ball on concrete.
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \
PGP Key: at a key server near you! \
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 12:10:36 -0500
From: Scott Nolan <nolan@erols.com>
Subject: Character: Radagast The Brown
12 STR 2
15 DEX 15
20 CON 20
18 BODY 16
20 INT 10
30 EGO 40
20 PRE 10
12 COM 1
6 PD 4
10 ED 6
4 SPD 15
11 REC 10
60 END 10
49 STUN 15
Characteristics Cost: 174
6 Life Support, immune to disease, immune to aging
9 +3 Enhanced Perception, with all senses
9 +2 DSense Magic
20 Clairsentience, see future, No Conscious Control, 0 END
3 Bump Of Direction
10 Eidetic Memory
3 Lightsleep
2 WF, Swords, Quarterstaff
5 1 Level: Melee Weapons
21 Animal Handler 20-
9 Deduction 16-
13 Navigation 16-
3 Paramedic 13-
5 Riding 13-
11 Tracking 17-
28 15- Universal Translator
7 AK: Eriador 17-
6 AK: Gondor 16-
5 AK: Rhovanion 15-
5 AK: Aman 15-
4 AK: Rhun 14-
10 KS: Plant Lore 20-
8 KS: Animals 18-
4 KS: Maiar of Middle-Earth 14-
3 KS: History of Middle-Earth 13-
3 KS: Councils of the Wise 13-
3 12- Contact: Gandalf
2 11- Contact: Saruman
2 11- Contact: Fangorn
1 8- Contact: Thranduil
1 8- Contact: Tom Bombadil
128 Variable Power Pool (80-point pool),
restricted type of powers ("Istari Powers"),
can change powers as 0 phase, no skill roll required,
Extra Time (1 turn)
Powers Cost: 349
Total Cost: 523
Base Points: 75
8 Watched, "The Valar", more powerful, noncombat influence,
mild, appear 8-
8 Watched, "Saruman", more powerful, noncombat influence,
mild, appear 8-
10 Reputation," Istari", occur 8-, extreme reputation
10 Psychological Limitation, "Disinterested in Mission of
Istari", common, moderate
10 Psychological Limitation, "Trusting", common, moderate
402 Bonus
Disadvantages Total: 448
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 523
Radagast the Brown is one of the Istari, maiar sent to lead the fight
against the dominion of Sauron in about the year Third Age 1000.
Radagast is his name in Westron. In Aman, it was Aiwendil. Aiwendil
was included in the mission of the Istari at the insistence of Yavanna,
the vala most concerned with plants and growing things.
Upon arriving in Middle-Earth, Radagast quickly lost interest in the
mission of the Istari to bring hope and light to the beleagured Free
Peoples, and instead became concerned with the lore of birds
and animals and plants. He took up residence at the tower of
Rhosgobel, in the eaves of Mirkwood near the Carrock, and from
there wandered the paths of the world, delighting in the natural
world and coming into very little contact with elves or men.
A member of the Council of the Wise, Radagast does not seem
to have often taken part in it's meetings, and was the unwitting
cause of Gandalf's capture by Saruman, and the equally unwitting
cause of his rescue by Gwaihir.
No tale is told of Radagast's fate after the War of the Ring, but
it seems certain that he remained in residence in Rhosgobel
well into the Fourth Age, becoming increasingly removed from
the world of mortals, much as had happened to Tom Bombadil
ages before.
1) In a letter in 1956, Tolkien said that the two Blue Wizards who
had travelled into the east eventually became founders of orders
of magic. Perhaps this is the fate of Radagast, too. But it should
be noted that one of the great valar, Yavanna, -begged- for
Radagast to be included with the Istari.
Perhaps Yavanna had a greater goal in mind, quite apart from the
mission to aid the Free Peoples. Yavanna was always concerned
for the plants and animals, that they should have respect and protection.
Whatever Radagast's true mission was, Tolkien does not tell.
"Do not despise the lore that has come down from
distant years; for oft it may chance that old wives
keep in memory word of things that once it were
needful for the wise to know."
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Scott C. Nolan
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 12:40:03 -0500
From: Scott Nolan <nolan@erols.com>
Subject: Re: Character: The One Ring
At 09:26 AM 2/14/99 -0800, you wrote:
>>Spirits confined to a focus do not need Affects Real World
>>(Hero Almanac, p. 48)
>This would be one of the MANY reasons I dont like the spirit rules
The more I read them, the more I like them.
"Do not despise the lore that has come down from
distant years; for oft it may chance that old wives
keep in memory word of things that once it were
needful for the wise to know."
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Scott C. Nolan
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 12:39:25 -0500
From: Scott Nolan <nolan@erols.com>
Subject: Character: Sam Gamgee
8 STR -2
12 DEX 6
12 CON 4
8 BODY -4
10 INT 0
12 EGO 4
8/18 PRE 2
10 COM 0
3 PD 1
2 ED 0
2 SPD -2
5 REC 2
30 END 3
25 STUN 7
Characteristics Cost: 17
7 12 Mental Defense, Only v. Mind Control
7 +10 Presence, Only for Defense
2 WF, Swords, Bows
10 2 Levels: Ranged Combat
3 Animal Handler 11-
1 Stealth 8-
1 Lang: Hobbitish,native, literate
0 Lang: Westron
4 KS: Gardening 13-
1 KS: Elven Lore 8-
20 Package, "Barrow-Blade", OAF, STR Min 10
(16) 1 1/2D6 Killing Attack HTH, +1 Increased Stun Mult
(4) 2 Levels,related group
Powers Cost: 56
Total Cost: 73
Base Points: 75
5 Psychological Limitation, "Brave", uncommon, moderate
15 Psychological Limitation, "Loyal to Frodo", uncommon, total
Disadvantages Total: 20
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 95
Sam Gamgee was the son of Hamfast Gamgee, and like his father
before him, was the gardener at Bag End. He was befriended by
Bilbo, who told him many tales of elves, which Sam loved. He also
became firm friends with Frodo. He was born in Third Age 2980,
which means that he was thirty-nine at the time of the War of the
Sam accompanied Frodo to Rivendell, and became part of the
Fellowship of the Ring. After the sundering of the Fellowship,
Sam alone accompanied Frodo on his perilous journey into
Mordor, saving him several times. When the spider Shelob
poisoned Frodo, Sam took the One Ring. Although tempted
by the Ring's great power, Sam's loyalty to Frodo was stronger
and he defeated the great spider using the Phial of Galadriel.
He returned the Ring and helped Frodo all the way to Orodruin.
After the War of the Ring, Sam returned to the Shire, where
he married Rose Cotton and raised thirteen children, including
Eleanor the Fair, and Frodo Gardener, the greatest gardener
the Shire had ever known. Sam also planted around the Shire
the soil of Lorien which Galadriel had given him during the War.
He replaced the Party Tree, which Saruman's men had cut down
with the only mallorn tree west of the Misty Mountains. Sam's
planting thereafter made the Shire into the most fertile, most
beautiful corner of Eriador.
Sam was elected Mayor of the Shire seven times between
Fourth Age 7 and 56. In Fourth Age 82, after the death of Rose,
he took ship at the age of 123, to sail over the sea, last of the
Ring-bearers to leave Middle-Earth.
During his tenure as Mayor, Sam also became a scholar and
an author, contributing to the Red Book of Westmarch and
other works. "Samwise" is the Westron translation of his
name. In Hobbitish, it was "Banazir", and was shortened
to "Ban."
1) This is an attempt to capture Sam as he was before entering
Mordor. Later, he should acquire both endurance and perhaps
one combat skill level, as well as Knowledge Skills having to
do with history and an increase to his Gardening skill.
"Do not despise the lore that has come down from
distant years; for oft it may chance that old wives
keep in memory word of things that once it were
needful for the wise to know."
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Scott C. Nolan
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 15:28:41 -0500
From: Scott Nolan <nolan@erols.com>
Subject: Spirit Rules (was:The One Ring)
>>>This would be one of the MANY reasons I dont like the spirit rules
>>The more I read them, the more I like them.
>I guess, maybe you could change my mind, I just despise the separate set of
>rules like that, I dont like having exceptions (I dont even like automoton
>rules where defenses cost 3x as much).
Any good system has variants. The spirit rules allow you to model
many things more cleanly than heavily modified standard characters.
And best of all, they allow complete defense to some attacks while
enhancing vulnerability to others. What are limitations and advantages,
after all, but 'exceptions'?
"Do not despise the lore that has come down from
distant years; for oft it may chance that old wives
keep in memory word of things that once it were
needful for the wise to know."
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Scott C. Nolan
End of champ-l-digest V1 #205
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