CAP'N CUBA (Lorenz J. Vazquez) originally just "the Cuban" 25 STR 15 15 Hunted: EL FIACHERE (AP, NCI, 8-) 29 DEX 57 20 Code vs Killing 23 CON 26 20 REALLY HATES CASTRO/COMMUNISM 15 BOD 10 15 Hunted (sort of) by KGB 23 INT 13 550 Experience 23 EGO 26 30 PRE 20 Martial Arts (generic) 18 COM 4 12 3 Martial Damage Classes 12 PD 7 4 Martial Strike +0 +2 Strike, 10d6 12 ED 7 5 Offensive Strike -2 +1 Strike, 12d6 7 SPD 31 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 10 REC - 4 Dodge - +5 Abort 66 END - 4 Martial Escape +0 +0 +15 Str vs Grab 60 STN - 3 Martial Grab -1 -1 +10 Str to Hold 50 Bases & Followers Heroic Mastermind 5 CIA Clearance 4 Radio Listen/Transmit, IIF (Miami Machine Communication Card) 35 Miami Enclave Contacts, Favors, Connections 10 8/8 Armor, OIF (micro-tanium) 6 +3" running 30 4 Overall levels 40 4 Combat levels Spanish, French, Atlantean, English, Esperanto 15 Acrobatics, Breakfall, Combat Driving (Boat,Car), Climbing, Stealth, Persuasion 15- 12 Criminology, Paramedics, Security Systems, Tactics 14- 3 Oratory, Navigation, Gunnery 15- 45 Danger Sense 18-, Great Area, Any kind of Danger 21 Armor Piercing on Offensive Strike (12d6), 1/2 End [1], OIF, All other Gauntlets powers inoperative while using (+1/4) 30 EC: Protective Gauntlets 90 active, OIF 18 1/2 Physical & Energy Damage reduction, Usable by Others (+1/2), 30 Missile Deflection, all ranged, +20 to roll, Can deflect adjacent hexes (+1/2) 9 3 DCV levels, OIF, only vs attacks stoppable with Gauntlets (+1/4) 9 3 Ranged DCV levels, OIF, only vs attacks stoppable with Gauntlets 10 8 Block OCV levels, OIF 8 20" gliding, Only vs falling Damage (+1), OIF 25 Well-Connected: Cuban Liberationes, Cuban Mafia, UN Observers Guantanamo, Miami Mafia, Informant Network, Atlantean Exiles
ORIGIN: meta-human super-soldier, highly trained
TACTICS: quarterbacks any combats
COSTUME: kevlar mesh fatigues
PERSONALITY: honorable, direct, macho but not stupid
BACKGROUND NOTES:Captain Cuba was Republican Cuba's answer to the the Super-Soldiers. Now Lorenz fights crime in the whole Caribbean region. One of his "powers" is his charismatic ability to get disparate good elements to cooperate: US Coast Guard, Atlanteans, INS, CIA, and the Cuban Ex-Patriates. He maintains a semi-secret hideaway called the enclave where all non-criminal paranormals are welcome. Serves as a vacation spot for people who could not other wise go to a public beach.
He's made the Russians and the Cuban Communists look like idiots so often they basically don't hunt him directly anymore, they'll only hire secondaries and thugs to go after him so that when the attack fails they personally get no further smudges or embarassments...
Those Gloves: Same Design as Gauntlets of Cpt.Justice, but made by the Russians in the 60's from stolen diagrams. Friendly Rivalry with Captain Justice who wears the originals. Any attack that would have hit except for the extra DCV from the Gauntlets is assumed to have hit the Gauntlets and harmlessly bounced off. (Layout Borrowed)