Gamma Gargoyle
|VALUE CHARACTERISTIC COST BASE  PTS|NAME: unpronounceable                   |
|   16 Strength         x1    10   6|HERO ID: GAMMA=GARGOYLE                 |
|   18 Dexterity        x3    10  24|PLAYER: Davis                           |
|   53 Constitution     x2    10  86|----------------------------------------+
|   23 Body             x2    10  26| PTS             POWERS              END|
|   10 Intelligence     x1    10   0|  32 16/16 Armor (Mutant Powers),only   |
|   10 Ego              x2    10   0|     works 8 or less versus             |
|    2 Presence         x1    10  -8|     magic/psychic(-1/2)                |
|    0 Comeliness       x1/2  10  -5|  16 13/13 Armor (kevlar),              |
|   15 Physical Defens  x1     3  12|     "radioactive swim trunks",12-      |
|   15 Energy Defense   x1    11   4|     Activation(-3/4),OIF(-3/4),        |
|    5 Speed            x10  2.8  22|     unbreakable,personal focus,hard    |
|   14 Recovery         x2    14   0|     to recover                         |
|  106 Endurance        x1/2 106   0|  25 4D6 Absorption (Mutant Powers),    |
|   67 Stun             x1    58   9|     "into PRESENCE & STUN              |
|       Characteristics Cost:    176|     (half/half)",fade rate: per 5      |
+-----------------------------------+     minutes,vs SFX (all powers),       |
|DISADVANTAGES         BASE: 150+PTS|     Always On(-1/2),Only In Hero ID    |
|Distinctive Features,"loud        5|     (-1/4),Side Effects(-1/2),Desc:    |
| plaid kevlar swim trunks",        |     tends to override psych & go       |
| easily concealable,minor          |     enraged,only works 8 or less       |
|Distinctive Features,"Repulsive  25|     versus magic/psychic(-1/2)         |
| Amphibianoid",not concealable,    |  25 4D6 Absorption (Mutant Powers),    |
| extreme                           |     fade rate: per 5 minutes,vs        |
|Enraged,"when PRE is over 35 or  15|     physical attacks,vs SFX (all       |
| Body is less than 8",common,      |     powers),Always On(-1/2),Only In    |
| occur 14-,recover 8-              |     Hero ID(-1/4),Side Effects         |
|Hunted,"HYDRA",more powerful,    25|     (-1/2),Desc: tends to override     |
| harsh,appear 14-                  |     psych & go enraged,only works 8    |
|Hunted,"Dr.Destroyer,            25|     or less versus magic/psychic       |
| Destroyers",more powerful,        |     (-1/2)                             |
| harsh,appear 14-                  |  10 High Range Radio Hearing (Mutant   |
|Public ID,"CNN victim"           10|     Powers)                            |
|Vulnerability,"electrical",very  30|   5 Radio Transmit/Receive (Mutant     |
| common,x2 stun                    |     Powers)                            |
|Dependence,"keep privates        30|   5 Ultraviolet Vision (Mutant         |
| covered,  or dies of              |     Powers)                            |
| embarassment",uncommon,per        |   9 Active Sonar (Mutant Powers),      |
| phase,2D6                         |      "only in water",only in water     |
|Dependence: skin wet daily       10|     (-3/4)                             |
|Psychological Limitation,        25|  12 +7 Enhanced Perception (Mutant     |
| "phobia of scientists, esp.       |     Powers),"offsets underwater        |
| female scietific types",very      |     penalties",with all senses,only    |
| common,total                      |     in water(-3/4)                     |
|Psychological Limitation,        15|  14 Spatial Awareness (Mutant          |
| "mistrusts beautiful women",      |     Powers),"passive sonar in          |
| common,strong                     |     water",only in water(-3/4)         |
|Physical Limitation,"3-fingered   5|   5 7 Flash Defense (Mutant Powers),   |
| cartoon paws",infrequently,       |     Sight Group,14- Activation(-1/2)   |
| slightly                          |  15 +7" Running (Mutant Powers),x4     |
|Physical Limitation,"tends to    15|     Non-Combat,has turn mode          1|
| faint in front of women           |   7 +4" Swimming (Mutant Powers),x4    |
| doctors/scientists",              |     Non-Combat,has turn mode          1|
| frequently,greatly                |  13 Demolitions 16-                    |
|Reputation,"softy pusshover      10|   9 Climbing 16-                       |
| teddy bear, yet ugly",occur       |  24 3 Levels,all combat                |
| 11-                               |   5 KS: explosives 14-                 |
|Unluck,3D6                       15|  28 Damage Class +7DC,"Martial Arts    |
|Vulnerability,                   10|     Package"                           |
|          Disadvantages Total : 295| 368 : Powers Total                     |
|             Experience Spent +  99| 176 + Characteristic Total             |
|                 Total Points = 544| 544 = Total Cost                       |
|       DISADVANTAGES            PTS| PTS             POWERS              END|
|                                   |                                        |
| "dehydration/dessication/extre    |   1 Style:Fights Like an Animal        |
| me heat-fire",common,x1 1/2       |   3 Contortionist 13-                  |
| stun                              |   3 Martial Throw                      |
|seasoned GW campaigner           25|   3 Flying Tackle                      |
|                                   |   5 Choke Hold                         |
|                                   |  15 +16 STR Clinging (Mutant Powers)   |
|                                   |  10 License to Kill                    |
|                                   |   2 11- Contact: Cpt.Justice           |
|                                   |   2 11- Contact: DOJ Case Worker       |
|                                   |     Niles                              |
|                                   |  40 Multipower (Mutant Powers) (60),   |
|                                   |     "wrist-bands",IIF(-1/2),           |
|                                   |     unbreakable,personal focus,hard    |
|                                   |     to recover                         |
|                                   |  3u 5D6 Energy Blast (Mutant           |
|                                   |     Powers),vs physical defense,beam   |
|                                   |     attack,Hole in the Middle(+1/4),   |
|                                   |     +2"/DC Explosion(+1)              6|
|                                   |  4u 4D6 Killing Attack - Ranged        |
|                                   |     (Mutant Powers)                   6|
|                                   |  4u 4D6 Drain (Mutant Powers),"vs.     |
|                                   |     PRE",fade rate: per 5 minutes     6|
|                                   |  4u 5D6 Flash (Mutant Powers),Radio    |
|                                   |     Group                             6|
|                                   |  2u 6D6 Energy Blast (Mutant           |
|                                   |     Powers),beam attack,only under     |
|                                   |     water(-3/4),No Normal Defense      |
|                                   |     (+1),Defense: force field, ice     |
|                                   |     shield                            6|
|                                   |  3u 8D6 Energy Blast (Mutant           |
|                                   |     Powers),beam attack,Penetrating    |
|                                   |     (+1/2)                            6|
|                                   |  3u 10D6 Hand-To-Hand Attack (Mutant   |
|                                   |     Powers),"stacks with Martial       |
|                                   |     Attacks",Trigger(+1/2),            |
|                                   |     changeable trigger,Desc: strikes  4|
|                                   |  2u +47 Strength (Mutant Powers),      |
|                                   |     "ya-hoo",doesn't add to figured   5|
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
ORIGIN:  transported cross-dimensionally from a gamma-world future.
TACTICS: clings high on a wall and blasts away from around a corner
PERSONALITY: strange, yet alien somehow.
COSTUME: goofy swim trunks are part of his physique now.
POWERS/SPEC-FX: radiation inspired mutations,non-psionic
Gamma Gargoyle (He calls himself Zegrax) was born a simple batrachian in a 
fetid swamp. In Gamma World. He mutated and became quite a mover and shaker
in the jungle basin. Then one day, in the dominance games that young mutants
play with each other, a budding young jackalope with Time Field Manipulation
sent him hurtling sideways in reality. He woke up outside the marshy ground
just south of Montgomery. When the fog cleared, he sat up and looked into the
soft young eyes of Dr. Felicia Kerber, the head geneticist of a disreputable
lab that was a combo research lab/money-laundering front for Dr. Destroyer.
He escaped, met some heroes, and the rest is history...