|VALUE CHARACTERISTIC COST BASE  PTS|NAME:                                   |
|16/31 Strength         x1    10   6|HERO ID: GARGOYLE  (DownSpout)          |
|   11 Dexterity        x3    10   3|PLAYER:                                 |
|16/31 Constitution     x2    10  12|----------------------------------------+
|11/21 Body             x2    10   2| PTS             POWERS              END|
|    9 Intelligence     x1    10  -1|  15 Elemental Control (Earth) (15),    |
|    9 Ego              x2    10  -2|     "stone  body"                      |
|12/39 Presence         x1    10   2|15a) +15 Constitution (Magic)           |
|    0 Comeliness       x1/2  10  -5|15b) 50% Damage Reduction (PD)          |
| 8/11 Physical Defens  x1     6   5|     (Magic),resistant                  |
| 8/11 Energy Defense   x1     6   5|15c) 50% Damage Reduction (ED)          |
|    4 Speed            x10  2.1  19|     (Magic),resistant                  |
| 6/12 Recovery         x2    12   0|15d) 22" Gliding (Magic),x4             |
|32/62 Endurance        x1/2  62   0|     Non-Combat,fowlable wings(-1/4),   |
|27/53 Stun             x1    53   0|     6" flight, rest is gliding(+1/4)   |
|       Characteristics Cost:     46|15e) Life Support (Magic),              |
+-----------------------------------+     "construct",doesn't breathe,       |
|DISADVANTAGES         BASE: 100+PTS|     doesn't eat/sleep/excrete,safe     |
|Physical Limitation,"slow        20|     in vacuum/pressure,safe in         |
| reactions, ego roll to            |     radiation,safe in heat/cold,       |
| activate non-combat",             |     immune to disease,immune to        |
| frequently,fully                  |     aging                              |
|Physical Limitation,"cannot      15|15f) 10/10 Armor (Magic)                |
| leave perch if observed",         |30g) 2D6 Killing Attack - HTH           |
| frequently,greatly                |     (Magic),vs physical defense,x1     |
|Physical Limitation,"speaks to   15|     Armor Piercing(+1/2)              4|
| no-one but mykl",frequently,      |  10 +0 STR Clinging (Magic),"to        |
| greatly                           |     stone, metal, rock only"           |
|Dependence,"contact with          5|  11 6D6 Aid (Magic),"to STUN, self &   |
| earth/stone",very common,         |     mykl",use optional healing         |
| effect is instant,1D6             |     rules,only to starting value,4     |
|Vulnerability,"solar, sun,       20|     Charges(-1),Extra Time(-1),time:   |
| light powers",common,x2 effect    |     1 turn,Trigger(+1/4),Desc: touch   |
|Vulnerability,"solar sun light   20|     mukl                              0|
| - body",common,x2 effect          |  11 21 Body (Earth),only when          |
|Distinctive Features,"stone      25|     animate(-3/4)                      |
| church gargoyle (not like D-TV    |  12 39 Presence (Magic),"20            |
| or Cute Movie)",not               |     offensive, 45 defensive",          |
| concealable,extreme               |     defensive only(-1/2),only when     |
|Accidental Change,"into statue   25|     animate(-3/4)                      |
| form when things settle           |  22 31 Strength (Earth),only when      |
| down",very common,occur 14-       |     animate(-3/4),x1 Armor Piercing    |
|Enraged,"church desecrated",     10|     (+1/2)                            4|
| common,occur 11-,recover 11-      |   4 Immunity,very common,Desc: any     |
|Enraged,"death of priest or      13|     poison & most chemicals,Variable   |
| child, gross blasphemy",very      |     Special Effects(+1/2),any SFX,     |
| common,occur 11-,recover 11-      |     SFX Group: anything                |
|Berserk,"empathic bond mykl      20|   5 5 Flash Defense (Magic),Sight      |
| broken violently",common,occur    |     Group                              |
| 11-,recover 11-                   |   5 5 Flash Defense (Magic),Hearing    |
|church bonus                      5|     Group                              |
|                                   |   5 5 Flash Defense (Magic),Unusual    |
|                                   |     Sense Group                        |
|                                   |   7 +1 Detect (Magic),"Evil",make      |
|                                   |     into sense                         |
|                                   |   3 Simulate Death                     |
|                                   |   5 Ultraviolet Vision (Magic)         |
|                                   |   7 Shadowing 13-                      |
|                                   |   9 Concealment 14-                    |
|          Disadvantages Total : 193| 280 : Powers Total                     |
|             Experience Spent +  33|  46 + Characteristic Total             |
|                 Total Points = 326| 326 = Total Cost                       |
|                                   |   9 Breakfall 14-                      |
|                                   |   9 Climbing 14-                       |
|                                   |  10 5 Levels: any claw attacks         |
|                                   |   5 Chess 19-                          |
|                                   |   3 PS: Mason 11-,(DEX based)          |
|                                   |                                        |
ORIGIN: created by Magic Michael  
TACTICS: flies into direct pugilism
COSTUME:  none
PERSONALITY: stiff and drone-like, yet clever.
As a boy, Michael Malone learned sorcery the way other boys learned electronics with their
radio-shack science-fair kits.  One of his first real successes came when he animated life
from some clay in his backyard. He improved the animated lump over the years, adding
features, senses, more mass. He couldn't ever scrap it and make a better one, because it
was alive and sort-of his friend. So over 25 years, from when he was a boy, till the time
he assumed the mantle of costumed crime-fighter, the Gargoyle was with him. You'll notice
that Gargoyle plays chess much better than Magic Michael.

Gargoyle tends to hang out outside Michael's home, perched. When nothing's going on, he
tends to slip off somewhere and just hang out, waiting for the next call from his master.