|VALUE CHARACTERISTIC COST BASE  PTS|NAME: Claire Karsten                    |
|   14 Strength         x1    10   4|HERO ID: Night-Sheen                    |
|   20 Dexterity        x3    10  30|PLAYER:                                 |
|   40 Constitution     x2    10  60|----------------------------------------+
|   10 Body             x2    10   0| PTS             POWERS              END|
|   13 Intelligence     x1    10   3|   3 Ultrasonic Hearing                 |
|   13 Ego              x2    10   6|   6 +3 Enhanced Perception,Normal      |
|   20 Presence         x1    10  10|     Hearing                            |
|   24 Comeliness       x1/2  10   7|   9 +6 Telescopic Sense,Sight Group    |
|   20 Physical Defens  x1     3  17|   3 Acrobatics 13-                     |
|   10 Energy Defense   x1     8   2|   3 Breakfall 13-                      |
|    5 Speed            x10  3.0  20|  17 5 Levels: DCV only,related         |
|   12 Recovery         x2    11   2|     group,Visible(-1/4),only applies   |
|   84 Endurance        x1/2  80   2|     to DCV(-1/4)                       |
|   39 Stun             x1    37   2|   3 Computer Programming 12-           |
|       Characteristics Cost:    165|   3 Security Systems 12-               |
+-----------------------------------+   2 11- Contact: Captain Cuba          |
|DISADVANTAGES         BASE: 150+PTS|   1 Base: Miami Enclave (5pt)          |
|Psychological Limitation,"CVK",  20|   3 12- Combat Sense                   |
| common,total                      |  19 15- Danger Sense,able to sense,    |
|Psychological Limitation,"Fear   15|     immediate vicinity,Costs END       |
| for Parents & Secret ID           |     (-1/2)                            3|
| exposure",common,strong           |   5 Defense Maneuver                   |
|Psychological Limitation,        15|  24 16/8 Armor,OIF(-1/2)               |
| "Monosyllabic Adolescent",        |  15 25% Damage Reduction (PD),         |
| common,strong                     |     resistant                          |
|Distinctive Features,"Sultry     15|  15 25% Damage Reduction (ED),         |
| Beautiful  Voice",concealable,    |     resistant                          |
| major                             |   5 Infrared Vision                    |
|Hunted,"Lemurians",more          20|   3 Radio Transmit/Receive,OIF(-1/2)   |
| powerful,harsh,appear 11-         |  25 Spatial Awareness (Mutant          |
|Hunted,"LEGION",more powerful,   20|     Powers)                            |
| non-combat influence,limited      |  18 28/14 Force Field (Mutant Powers), |
| area,harsh,appear 11-             |     0 END(+1/2)                       0|
|Dependent NPC,"Parents are        5|  15 15 Power Defense (Mutant           |
| retired heroes",as powerful,      |     Powers),"Slipperiness Field"       |
| useful skills,appear 14-          |  23 13D6 Dispel (Mutant Powers),       |
|Reputation,"Super-pain",occur    10|     "gets rid of entangles on self     |
| 11-                               |     only",only when hit by grab or     |
|Rivalry,"She-Rahna",both,in      15|     by an entangle(-1 1/2),No Range    |
| superior position                 |     (-1/2),Damage Shield(+1/2),        |
|Dependence,"3 square meals per   25|     Trigger(+1/4)                     7|
| day",uncommon,effect is           |  12 7 OCV Missile Deflection (Mutant   |
| instant,3D6                       |     Powers),deflect bullets,           |
|Physical Limitation,"slippery     5|     Gestures(-1/4)                     |
| skin",infrequently,slightly       |  13 Invisibility,"shadows & greys",    |
|Distinctive Features,"shimmery   10|     Sight Group,only at night(-3/4),   |
| sheen to eyes, hair, nails",      |     Requires a Skill Roll(-1/2)       3|
| concealable,minor                 |   3 Stealth 13-                        |
|Vulnerability,"acid",common,x1   10|  10 15" Knockback Resistance           |
| 1/2 effect                        |                                        |
|Teen-Aged girl                    5|                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|          Disadvantages Total : 190| 238 : Powers Total                     |
|             Experience Spent +  73| 155 + Characteristic Total             |
|                 Total Points = 416| 473 = Total Cost                       |
ORIGIN: child of a meta-human and a mutant father  
TACTICS: direct confrontation or deception
COSTUME:  "reed"-suit, + visible personal force field
PERSONALITY:  coquettish
"Claire can't be pinned down by anything", the boys always joked in junior high.
they didn't know how right they were. Her parents had been mutant costumed 
crime-fighters in the 70's, but they had quit, and secretly hoped their 
daughter could be normal. but of course when adolescence hits, genes do screwy
stuff, and at least Claire didn't pop out with horns or plasma-bolts or anything.

All her powers are defensive or sensory in nature, and Captain Cuba exploits
her in this area. She'll walk right into combat and draw fire off other team
members, or she'll sneak around behind a villain team and start grabbing focuses.
It seems to work so far, but she's careful: she can't take down anyone bigger than
her, but she sure can irritate the living shit out of them, and she knows it.