|VALUE CHARACTERISTIC COST BASE  PTS|NAME:                                   |
|48/58 Strength         x1    10  38|HERO ID: SHAGGY THE GROWLER             |
|   18 Dexterity        x3    10  24|PLAYER:                   other version |
|   59 Constitution     x2    10  98|----------------------------------------+
|40/41 Body             x2    10  60| PTS             POWERS              END|
|   10 Intelligence     x1    10   0|   3 Acrobatics 13-                     |
|   17 Ego              x2    10  14|   3 Animal Handler 11-                 |
|   59 Presence         x1    10  49|   3 Breakfall 13-                      |
|   10 Comeliness       x1/2  10   0|   3 Climbing 13-                       |
|38/39 Physical Defens  x1    10  28|  20 4 Levels: hand-to-hand,related     |
|38/39 Energy Defense   x1    12  26|     group                              |
|    4 Speed            x10  2.8  12|   3 Concealment 11-                    |
|   25 Recovery         x2    22   6|   3 Deduction 11-                      |
|  118 Endurance        x1/2 118   0|   2 KS: Other 11-                      |
|94/95 Stun             x1    94   0|   2 KS: Other 11-                      |
|       Characteristics Cost:    355|   2 KS: Other 11-                      |
+-----------------------------------+   3 Paramedic 11-                      |
|DISADVANTAGES         BASE: 300+PTS|   2 Security Systems 11-,outdoor       |
|FUR BONUS                       300|     traps, nets, snares, etc.          |
|Berserk,"at 10 Body or Less",    20|   3 Shadowing 11-                      |
| common,occur 11-,recover 11-      |   3 Stealth 13-                        |
|Distinctive Features,"Huge,      25|   4 Seduction 21-,[Invisible Power     |
| Shaggy, Smelly, Large, furry,     |     Effects,Mental Group,Side          |
| Gigantic, Bestial",not            |     Effects,Desc: you have got to      |
| concealable,extreme               |     see it to believe it               |
|Dependence,"kilogram (minimum)    5|   3 Tracking 11-                       |
| fresh meat per day",uncommon,     |   3 Survival 11-                       |
| per day,3D6                       |   3 Survival 11-                       |
|Enraged,"magic using enemies",   10|   3 PS: Park Ranger 11-,(INT based)    |
| common,occur 11-,recover 11-      |   1 Base: Other (5pt)                  |
|Physical Limitation,"eyes water   5|   3 Bump Of Direction                  |
| within 1 hex of magic",           |  31 14- Danger Sense,any attack,       |
| infrequently,slightly             |     immediate vicinity                 |
|Physical Limitation,"100 word    15|   5 Defense Maneuver                   |
| vocabulary",frequently,greatly    |   3 Lightsleep                         |
|Physical Limitation,"bulky &     10|  13 11- Universal Translator,simple    |
| clumsy when not in forest or      |     concepts, only with freindlies     |
| in combat",frequently,slightly    |   3 3 Resistance                       |
|Physical Limitation,             10|   3 Immunity,very common               |
| "non-natural food gives gas       |  20 10/10 Armor (Magic),"heat& fire,   |
| pains",frequently,slightly        |     or non-metal",ED only versus       |
|Psychological Limitation,        15|     heat & cold, PD only versus        |
| "primitive a la sasquatch",       |     non-metal weapon                   |
| common,strong                     |   7 1 LVLS Growth,Always On,0 END      |
|Psychological Limitation,        20|     Persistent                        0|
| "usually speaks less than a       |   7 1 LVLS Density Increase,Always     |
| dozen words a week",very          |     On,0 END Persistent               0|
| common,strong                     |  15 +5" Running,x4 Non-Combat         1|
|Psychological Limitation,        15|  16 Half-End on STR                    |
| "superstitious about wizards      |  14 Life Support,doesn't               |
| and jewelry",common,strong        |     eat/sleep/excrete,safe in          |
|Reputation,"cannibal (not true,  15|     radiation,safe in heat/cold,       |
| he'd never eat another            |     immune to disease                  |
| shaggy)",occur 11-,extreme        |   5 Infrared Vision                    |
| reputation                        |   5 Ultraviolet Vision                 |
|Rivalry,"Grond, Monstress,       15|   8 +4 Enhanced Perception,Normal      |
| She-Hulk, Thing, Garv, Blok,      |     Hearing                            |
| Obsidian",both,PC rival           |   7 10 Mental Defense,"dense"          |
|Susceptibility,"3d6 PRE drain    30|  24 +8 Enhanced Perception,"detects    |
|          Disadvantages Total : 553| 441 : Powers Total                     |
|             Experience Spent +   0| 355 + Characteristic Total             |
|                 Total Points = 853| 796 = Total Cost                       |
|       DISADVANTAGES            PTS| PTS             POWERS              END|
|                                   |                                        |
| from silver or gold",common,      |     invisible easily",with all         |
| per phase,3D6                     |     senses                             |
|Vulnerability,"Poison,           30|  10 Tracking Scent (Magic),"Detect     |
| Antacids, Mind Scan",very         |     Magic (Irritates Eyes)"            |
| common,x2 effect                  |   5 +0 Detect (Magic),"watery red",    |
|Watched,"by the Big Shaggy       13|     make into sense,Desc: eyes         |
| what's up in the sky",more        |  10 Tracking Scent                     |
| powerful,non-combat influence,    |   8 +4 Enhanced Perception,Smell       |
| mild,appear 14-                   |   9 +2 Detect (psychic),"Hostile       |
|                                   |     thoughts",make into sense,Desc:    |
|                                   |     knows enemies on sight             |
|                                   |  60 Multipower (naturalistic) (60)     |
|                                   |  2u 16D6 Dispel (Earth),"punches       |
|                                   |     those with magic powers",vs SFX    |
|                                   |     (one power),Gestures,4 Charges,    |
|                                   |     only versus powers with Gestures   |
|                                   |     or Incantations                   0|
|                                   |  1u Desolidification (Earth),"can      |
|                                   |     escape any jail or trap",cannot    |
|                                   |     pass thru solids,Vulnerability:    |
|                                   |     mental,Concentrate,Extra Time,     |
|                                   |     time: 5 minutes,not if directly    |
|                                   |     observed                          4|
|                                   |  3u Invisibility (Earth),"melts into   |
|                                   |     jungle",Sight Group,Hearing        |
|                                   |     Group,Mental Group,no fringe,      |
|                                   |     only in outdoors, jungle,          |
|                                   |     forest, etc                       6|
|                                   |  6u 4D6 Drain (Sleeper Hold),"versus   |
|                                   |     Stun",fade rate: per 5 minutes    6|
|                                   |  2u 8D6 Mind Control (Magic),single    |
|                                   |     command only,only versus youth,    |
|                                   |     innocent, female,No Range,x1       |
|                                   |     Armor Piercing                    6|
|                                   |  1u 3 BODY Regeneration (Magic),       |
|                                   |     "with adequate meat & grass",      |
|                                   |     recovery rate: per hour,OAF,       |
|                                   |     immobile                           |
|                                   |  50 Multipower (gastro-intestinoid)    |
|                                   |     (75),7-8 Charges                   |
|                                   |  5u 5" Darkness (foggy fart),Spatial   |
|                                   |     Awareness,Sight Group,             |
|                                   |     Smell/Taste Group                 0|
|                                   |  4u 5D6 Energy Blast (fetid fart),     |
|                                   |     stun only,beam attack,Area         |
|                                   |     Effect,x4 Increased Area,No        |
|                                   |     Normal Defense,Defense: Life       |
|                                   |     Support: Breath, Vacuum,           |
|                                   |     Pressure                          0|
|                                   |  4u 1D6 Killing Attack - Ranged        |
|                                   |     (fatal fart),vs physical           |
|                                   |     defense,No Normal Defense,         |
|                                   |     Defense: Life Support: Breathe,    |
|                                   |     etc.,Area Effect,x2 Increased      |
|                                   |     Area,+2"/DC Explosion             0|
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |