|VALUE CHARACTERISTIC COST BASE  PTS|NAME: Karl Jergenz                      |
|   39 Strength         x1    10  29|HERO ID: SNAKE_FIST                     |
|   28 Dexterity        x3    10  54|PLAYER:      Davis                      |
|   29 Constitution     x2    10  38|----------------------------------------+
|   17 Body             x2    10  14| PTS             POWERS              END|
|   11 Intelligence     x1    10   1|   3 Animal Handler 11-                 |
|   11 Ego              x2    10   2|  16 Elemental Control (Mutant          |
|   28 Presence         x1    10  18|     Powers) (16),"SNAKE"               |
|   12 Comeliness       x1/2  10   1| 6a) 4" Tunneling,"armor gloves",4      |
|    9 Physical Defens  x1     8   1|     DEF Increased Def,OIF(-1/2),       |
|    9 Energy Defense   x1     6   3|     Extra Time(-1),time: 1 turn       1|
|    3 Speed            x10  3.8   1|12b) 14 OCV Missile Deflection,"armor   |
|   14 Recovery         x2    14   0|     gloves",deflect bullets,deflect    |
|   68 Endurance        x1/2  58   5|     adjacent,Gestures(-1/4),OIF        |
|   57 Stun             x1    52   5|     (-1/2)                             |
|       Characteristics Cost:    172|16c) Invisibility,Spatial Awareness,    |
+-----------------------------------+     Sight Group,Hearing Group,         |
|DISADVANTAGES         BASE: 150+PTS|     Smell/Taste Group,no fringe,       |
|Hunted,"HYDRA",more powerful,    25|     versus reptile or amphibian        |
| harsh,appear 14-                  |     only(-1 3/4)                      6|
|Watched,"STRONGHOLD,DOJ,FBI",as  10|14d) 1D6 Ego Attack,Mental Powers       |
| powerful,non-combat influence,    |     Based on CON(-1/2),vs physical     |
| mild,appear 14-                   |     defense,not versus extremely       |
|Hunted,"Beetle,Dr.Draconis",as   10|     alien life-forms(-1/2),x1 Armor    |
| powerful,limited area,harsh,      |     Piercing(+1/2),Penetrating         |
| appear 11-                        |     (+1/2),Personal Immunity(+1/4),    |
|Enraged,"versus non-humanoid     10|     Invisible Power Effects(+3/4),     |
| villains",common,occur 11-,       |     Smell/Taste Group,Unusual Sense    |
| recover 11-                       |     Group,Uncontrolled(+1/2),Cancel:   |
|Distinctive Features,            15|     antivenin,Continuous(+1)          4|
| "snake-fangs",concealable,        |12e) 8D6 Mind Control,"snakes",         |
| major                             |     telepathic contact,reptiles &      |
|Psychological Limitation,        15|     amphibians only(-1 3/4)           5|
| "faxinated by anything            |19f) Summon (Telekinesis),25 Creature   |
| snakes",common,strong             |     Pts,x16 # Of Creatures,summon      |
|Psychological Limitation,"mild   15|     limited group,Creature: Reptiles   |
| xeno-phobia",common,strong        |     & Amphibians,reptiles &            |
|Reputation,"old codger",occur    10|     amphibians only(-1 3/4)           7|
| 11-                               | 7g) +20 Constitution (Mutant           |
|Distinctive Features,"looks a    15|     Powers),doesn't add to figured,    |
| lot older than 20",not            |     versus poisons & toxins only(-2)   |
| concealable,minor                 | 5h) +16 Recovery (Mutant Powers),      |
|Rivalry,"King Cobra",            10|     doesn't add to figured,versus      |
| professional,in superior          |     toxins & poisons only(-1 1/2)      |
| position                          |   3 Breakfall 15-                      |
Public ID,"Karl Jergenz"          10|   3 Climbing 15-                       |
|Susceptibility,"Anti-Venins,     25|  16 2 Levels,all combat                |
| Certain Medicines",common,per     |   3 Computer Programming 11-           |
| turn,3D6                          |   3 Concealment 11-                    |
|Vulnerability,"Detox,            10|   3 Contortionist 15-                  |
| Purification, Anti-Genome         |   3 Criminology 11-                    |
| attacks",common,x1 1/2 body       |   3 Deduction 11-                      |
|seasoned V&V campaigner         150|   0 Disguise 8-                        |
|                                   |   3 Interrogation 15-                  |
|                                   |   2 KS: Herpetology 11-                |
|                                   |   2 KS: Law Enforcement 11-            |
|                                   |   2 KS: hockey fan 11-                 |
|                                   |   1 Lang: Hindu                        |
|          Disadvantages Total : 335| 463 : Powers Total                     |
|             Experience Spent + 150| 172 + Characteristic Total             |
|                 Total Points = 635| 635 = Total Cost                       |
|       DISADVANTAGES            PTS| PTS             POWERS              END|
|                                   |   0 Cobra-Style Martial Style          |
|                                   |   4 Damage Class +1DC                  |
|                                   |   5 Choke Hold                         |
|                                   |   4 Fast Strike                        |
|                                   |   4 Killing Strike                     |
|                                   |   4 Martial Strike                     |
|                                   |   4 Nerve Strike                       |
|                                   |   5 Offensive Strike                   |
|                                   |   5 Sacrifice Strike                   |
|                                   |   2 PS: veterinarian 11-               |
|                                   |   3 Stealth 15-                        |
|                                   |   3 Musician: keyboards                |
|                                   |   3 Paramedic 11-                      |
|                                   |   7 Security Systems 13-               |
|                                   |   2 PS: Policeman 11-                  |
|                                   |   3 Well-Connected                     |
|                                   |   1 11- Contact: JLA                   |
|                                   |   1 11- Contact: Stronghold-1          |
|                                   |   1 11- Contact: Stronghold-2          |
|                                   |   1 11- Contact: Senator Mendez        |
|                                   |   1 11- Contact: DOJ Southeast         |
|                                   |   1 11- Contact: U.S. Marshalls        |
|                                   |   0 1 Favors: INS Dept. Seven (MIB)    |
|                                   |  10 License to Kill                    |
|                                   |   5 Intl Police Powers                 |
|                                   |   2 Concealed Weapon Permit            |
|                                   |   5 Money                              |
|                                   |   9 Base: plank-holder in              |
|                                   |     Stronghold-2 (45pt)                |
|                                   |   3 Double Jointed                     |
|                                   |   4 Immunity,very common,Desc: DNA     |
|                                   |     based plasmo-toxins and            |
|                                   |     neuro-toxins,Variable Special      |
|                                   |     Effects(+1/2),any SFX,SFX Group:   |
|                                   |     biological                         |
|                                   |   3 Simulate Death                     |
|                                   |   7 7 Resistance                       |
|                                   |   7 +0 STR Clinging,"no NCV extra",    |
|                                   |     max 5" movement up(-1/2)           |
|                                   |   5 Discriminatory Sense,"snake        |
|                                   |     taste air",Smell                   |
|                                   |   6 +3" Running                       1|
|                                   |   7 +7" Superleap                     2|
|                                   |   9 +4" Swimming,x4 Non-Combat        1|
|                                   |   6 3 Levels: Killing Strike           |
|                                   |  11 4 Levels: versus Grabs &           |
|                                   |     Entangles (Slippery),related       |
|                                   |     group,only applies to certain      |
|                                   |     DCV situations(-3/4)               |
|                                   |   6 +4 Telescopic Sense,Hearing        |
|                                   |     Group                              |
|                                   |  11 +3 Detect,make into sense,Desc:    |
|                                   |     poisons                            |
|                                   |   5 +1 Detect,Desc: reptile genetics   |
|                                   |   9 +3 Detect,Desc: security and/or    |
|                                   |     computer breaches                  |
|                                   |  36 13- Danger Sense,able to sense,    |
|                                   |     general area,mainly sceurity anc   |
|                                   |     computer breaches(+1/4)            |
|                                   |   8 4" Knockback Resistance            |
|                                   |   6 6 Lack Of Weakness                 |
|                                   |   7 Life Support,doesn't breathe,      |
|                                   |     safe in vacuum/pressure,OIF        |
|                                   |     (-3/4),personal focus,hard to      |
|                                   |     recover                            |
|                                   |   2 5" Swinging (Mutant Powers),       |
|                                   |     "jungle, foliage, vines, etc.",    |
|                                   |     OAF(-1)                           1|
|                                   |  12 360 Degree Sensing,"mu             |
|                                   |     visor",with all senses,OAF(-1)     |
|                                   |   3 5 Flash Defense,Sight Group,IIF    |
|                                   |     (-1/2),hard to recover             |
|                                   |   3 5 Flash Defense,Hearing Group,     |
|                                   |     IIF(-1/2),hard to recover          |
|                                   |  26 12/12 Armor,OIF(-1/2),Only In      |
|                                   |     Hero ID(-1/4),x1 Hardened(+1/4)    |
|                                   |   8 High Range Radio Hearing,          |
|                                   |     "device",IIF(-1/4)                 |
|                                   |                                        |
ORIGIN: unrevealed
TACTICS: brick-like fighter  (the poison is a desperation move only)
COSTUME: tech-world armoralls
PERSONALITY: grizzled, conservative, adventurous
Snake Fist has been fighting crime since most heroes these days was in grammar 
school. Never mind he looks like he's only 28, he was born in 1936. He hasn't 
bitten anyone with his fangs for fun since 1981, when he and this lady wrestler
was ... well just never you mind. He's done everything: street cop, assassin, 
guardsman, movie director, Unlimited Class World Wrestling, detective, salesman,
espionage, sabbatical, rock star, politician, coroner, ice-rink manager, 
lieutenant governor, and superhero. Nowadays he just sits around Strong-Hold-2 
waiting to beat the crap out of them muties what tries to excape. If he'd been 
on staff at Strong-Hold-1, it'd never been broke out of. Reckon so, I tell ya.
Short Hair Cuts woulda kept them guards in line, & inmates on their toes.