Submitting characters to the Great Net Book of Real Heroes

Want to contribute to the collection? It's easy, just follow these simple steps.

Method 1 (Prefered)

  1. Create character in a Hero System character creation utility.
  2. Create an html export file that includes any additional information that you think might be useful: background/history, identifying quote, powers/tactics, and appearance - basically, write the character up as you'd see him in a sourcebook. (Don't worry about extreme amounts of detail in this section; after all, these are characters that people are probably already slightly familiar with). This is also a good place to add any contributor notes and/or credits.
  3. E-mail the completed files to me at

Method 2

  1. Download a copy of the preferred format character template or the alternate basic text format character template.
  2. Fill out the template with a detailed description of the character's powers and abilities (complete with point totals - we Hero fans like to see how many points things cost). Also include any additional information that you think might be useful: background/history, identifying quote, powers/tactics, and appearance - basically, write the character up as you'd see him in a sourcebook. (Don't worry about extreme amounts of detail in this section; after all, these are characters that people are probably already slightly familiar with). This is also a good place to add any contributor notes and/or credits.
  3. E-mail the completed template to me at

Submission FAQs

Do you accept original characters?
Sorry, but no. The purpose of this collection is to demonstrate the strength of the Hero System by showing people example writeups of characters that they recognize and who's abilities are already known (in non-game mechanic terms).

Will my submission not be included if I don't follow the prefered format?
Not necessarily, but it wil certainly slow things down as I will have to take the time myself to convert what you submit into the standard format

Do I really need to write up the extra page of info?
No, but it's certainly prefereable to have it as it gives an extra sense of the "flavor" of the character.

Are you only accepting Comic Book characters? After all, there's lots of cool characters from movies, cartoons, and novels.
At the moment, the primary thrust of the project is Comic Book characters (primarily super heroes and villains). That having been said though, the number of character from other sources has been steadily increasing and shows no sign of stopping - so, if you write it up, I'll post it..

Why was the format changed?
Many people were complaining about the old format, saying it was more difficult to create that necessary as well as being difficult to read and modify. The new format is (I hope) one that is easier to do all of these things with.


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