Name: Monsieur Mallah Val Char Cost 30/35 STR 20 20 DEX 30 23 CON 26 15/16 BODY 10 18 INT 8 16 EGO 12 20 PRE 10 6 COM -2 20 PD 14 15 ED 10 5 SPD 20 13 REC 4 46 END 0 42/43 STUN 0 Characteristic Rolls: STR: 15/16-, DEX: 13-, CON: 14-, INT: 13-, EGO: 12-, PER: 13- Run: 6/7", Swim: 2", Jump: 7", Lift: 1600kg/3200kg Cost Powers END/Roll 7 Growth-1 (×2 mass, ×1.2 height); Mass: 0 kg/0.00 lbs; Height: 0 cm/0"; Extra STR: 5; Knockback Reduction: -1; Extra BODY: 1; Extra STUN: 1; DCV Penalty: -1; PER Penalty: +1; Reduced END: Zero & Persistent, +1; Always On: -½ 0 2 Running (+1", 7", NC: 14"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; Non-Combat (MPH): 4 1 5 Mental Defense (11 pts); Add to Total; Not vs. other hyper-intelligent gorillas: -½ 35 2d6+1 Killing Attack (RKA); Range: 350; Autofire: 5 shots, ½; Charges: 64, +½; OAF - Submachine gun: -1 0 Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 6 Lightning Reflexes (+4 with all actions) 3 Fast Draw (Sub-machine gun) 13- 3 Scholar 3 Scientist 3 Climbing 13- 3 Acrobatics 13- 3 Stealth 13- 1 Knowledge Skill: Boxing 11- 17 Boxing (5) Jab (OCV +1, DCV +3, 7d6) (5) Hook (OCV -2, DCV +1, 11d6) (4) Block (OCV +2, DCV +2) (3) Clinch (OCV -1, DCV -1, STR 45) 3 Inventor 13- 3 Electronics 11- 3 Computer Programming 13- 5 Weaponsmith; Weapon Category: Muscle-powered Weapons 12- 1 Knowledge Skill: Philosophy 11- 2 Knowledge Skill: Fireamrs 13- 1 Knowledge Skill: Chess Problems 11- 1 Science 11- 1 Science 11- 1 Science 11- 1 Science 11- 1 Science 11- 4 +2 level w/Sub Machine Gun 2 Small Arms 2 Common Melee Weapons 2 English (Fluent Conv.); Literacy: Standard, 0 100+ Disadvantages 8 Enraged when reminded he is a gorilla (11-, 11-); Circumstances: Uncommon, +5 10 Distinctive Features - Gorilla; Concealability: Easily, 5; Reaction: Always noticed & major reaction, +5 5 Distinctive Features - Martial Arts style; Concealability: Easily, 5; Reaction: Noticed and Recognizable, +0 5 1d6 Unluck OCV: 7; DCV: 7 / 6; ECV: 5; Mental Def.: 11; Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 PD/rPD: 20/0; ED/rED: 15/0 Costs: Char.: 162 Disad.: 28 Powers: + 124 Base: + 100 Exp.: + 158 Total: = 286 Total: = 286 Background: If you intend to use M.M., you have two choices: 1) Make him a real villain; in this case, I recommend you look up his background in various sourcebooks for the DC HEROES roleplaying game. 2) Play him for laughs. I mean, he is a gorilla, right ... a gorilla who likes chess and can figure out technology you and me wouldn't even know how to switch on, but still a gorilla. Of course, he is deadly with his SMG and deadly serious about his work. Use him as a member of a team of rather inept villains and make him their private mastermind. Then you can give your adventures titles like "Monkey Business", "Apewatch" and Affentheater" (if you speak German) with gay abandon. POWERS AND SKILLS: Monsieur Mallah comes from a hidden city somewhere in Africa where the jungles are chock-full with treasures, elephant cemeteries, temples of green stone and the like ... it's a miracle people still get lost there. Anyway, in this city lives a race of super-intelligent gorillas, some of whom have plans for world domination (names like Gorilla Grodd come to mind - now don't you look at me, this is strictly DC pre-crisis stuff). It says Powers and Skills, right? Uh, he has a submachinegun (sub machine gun? submachine gun? who cares?), knows how to punch someone's lights out and plays a mean game of chess. ================================================================ Hero System writeup copyright 1996 by Daniel Falke (