Converting D&D 3rd Edition to Hero

Well, after many years, TSR WotC Hasbro has finally updated the venerable Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game system. The changes from 2nd Edition to 3rd Edition are, in places, pretty dramatic; but that's not what this article is about. This article details a set of guidelines for converting D&D 3rd Edition (hereafter referred to as D&D3) characters to Hero System.

One of the changes that does impact this article, is the changes made to the scale of characteristics in D&D3. Percentile Strength is gone (finally) and the scale has been stretched and shifted slightly to make characteristics more granular (the vast wasteland of virtually useless characteristics between 7 and 14 is gone now). As expected, this shifting of the scale has had it's most noticeable impact on Strength .Strength, being the most quantitative characteristic in most rpgs, tends to be my baseline characteristic for determining conversions between rpgs - this is true in these guidelines as well.

Table of Contents

D&D3 to Hero Characteristics Meaning Equivalencies

D&D3 Feats to Hero Abilities

D&D3 Skill to Hero Skill

D&D3 to Hero Characteristics Meaning Equivalencies

Hero Stat D&D3 Equivalent Notes
STR STR Consult Value Equivalencies chart (below) for exact value.
DEX DEX Consult Value Equivalencies chart (below) for exact value.
CON CON Consult Value Equivalencies chart (below) for exact value.

7+(Hit Die * Level / 8)

Hit Points mean a lot of things in D&D, concepts that are handled by multiple stats in Hero.
INT INT Consult Value Equivalencies chart (below) for exact value.

Consult Value Equivalencies chart (below) for exact value.

It's not a great matching, but D&D3 really doesn't have an EGO-like characteristic, and WIS is about as close as anything it has (besides, the classes that use WIS the most are the Cleric-like classes, who's spells tend to be EGO based in most Fantasy Hero magic systems.

PRE CHR Consult Value Equivalencies chart (below) for exact value.
COM Guess D&D3 has no equialent characteristic.
PD Special Base + (Hit Die * Level / 16)
ED Special Base + (Hit Die * Level / 16)
SPD Special Base, rounded up to nearest whole number
REC Special Base
END Special Base
STUN Special Base + (Hit Die * Level / 8)
Run 6 Modified based on Size

D&D3 to Hero Characteristic Value Equivalencies

D&D3 Stat Value

Hero Stat Equivalent











6 an up

Add 6 to D&D3 Stat

D&D 3 Feats to Hero abilities


D&D3 Skills to Hero Skills