The Stuff Heroes Are Made Of
Web Directory
- Ataria
- My own Fantasy Hero campaign world. This world has largely been a solo effort
and I have not run any games in it for a long time. This is something I hope
to rectify. It borrows heavily from numerous fantasy sources, and also from
the works of GM's I admire (in this case Mike Bolton). An alternative earth-like
world in a galaxy far away with most of the usual fantasy clichés. Have a
look, you might find it interesting as stop-over for dimension spanning campaigns.
BadgerHero - A Fantasy Hero campaign world based on Forgotten Realms.
- Dungeon Hero
- For some unknown reason, no, don't know why, I decided a few years ago to
convert AD&D to the Hero system. Nope, still don't know why.
- The Fantasy Codex
- The Fantasy Codex has thousands of spells, detailed information on using
the Hero Toolkit to create spells and use magic in any campaign, a full magic
system to use in any Fantasy Hero campaign, and much more. Packed with original
artwork by Christopher Taylor, this book has something for every GM in any
system that has any magic at all, especially Hero Games.
- Fantasy
Hero Magic System - Mark Hughes's magic system for Fantasy Hero.
- Fantasy Hero Resource Page
- This page is my Fantasy Hero campaign and background information, it might
prove helpful for anyone making a Fantasy Hero campaign, or just for curiosity's
- Fantasy Hero Treasure Trove
- Colleges of magic and other materials for Fantasy Hero.
- Gary Johnson's
Fantasy Hero Campaign Resources - Three or four years ago I ran a
short-lived Fantasy Hero roleplaying campaign. Elements of that campaign's
setting have made their way into Selentia, but there's a lot that didn't.
What follows is a copy of almost all the notes I have left from that abortive
experiment in using Champions for heroic adventurers instead of superheroes.
Gothick Empires campaign - my long running Fantasy Hero game, where magic
and technology have collided in a renaissance-era setting.
- Grey Hero - Fantasy
Hero in the World of Greyhawk
- Harn
- My Harn campaign which has had a few fits and starts but is still there
after a lot of years. In this section you will find information on characters,
creature statistics and some stories. I will not reproduce the reams of Harn
material available on the net but will point you to a number of excellent
Harn-related and Harn-specialised sites.
- Harnic
Hero - Rules for using Harn with Fantasy Hero.
- Hawkwind's
Fantasy Hero Page - "The World of Trinalia" and "Mythic
Nippon: The Rising Sun Campaign".
- Heaven's Fire - Heaven's
Fire is a fantasy campaign background for Yet Another Abortive Campaign. The
feel is heavily influenced by Glen Cook, particularly his Black Company series:
the PCs were members of a small mercenary company on the move.
- High Fantasy
Hero - Killer Shrike's Fantasy hero resources
- Improvised Magic
in the Hero System - This began life as a Usenet post in 1996. I decided
to expand on it and rewrite it some because a good improvisational magic system
is something I've been wanting for a long time. This doesn't use Variable
Power Pool, though it does break the Hero System power rules pretty badly
(hopefully in a way that's not too unbalancing!).
- Jasona's Martial
Mystic Fantasy Hero Campaign Notes - These are just my notes on the current
campaign I'm running using the Fantasy Hero and Martial Hero rules. I have
no idea why the general net would be interested, but the players might want
to check it from time to time and I have to store them somewhere.
- Kolrath, World of Adventure -
Kolrath is an original fantasy world that has been played in off and on for
the past twelve years. It has survived AD&D, Rolemaster, Fantasy Hero,
RuneQuest, and the Hero System. Only a small portion of the world is known
by the inhabitants of the continent on which the games have been taking place.
- Mabinogin - Fantasy
homebrew website.
- Narosia
- Sea of Tears - A fantasy setting written and produced by Legendsmiths,
Inc. The setting is unique in many ways, and we invite you to explore it.
Primeval - This website presents the
original milieu of "Primeval," a medium-fantasy setting built using standard fantasy-genre memes
(i.e., a plurality of races, the use of magick, and epic-level adventure) from literature, movies,
and role-playing games.
- Random
Fantasy Hero Character Generator. What it says.
- Savage Earth
- Savage Earth is a role-playing game using the Hero System rules. It is a
setting of fabulous lost technology living alongside high magic and barbaric
- - A database driven
site for Fantasy Hero and d20 Spells.
- The
Ultimate Grimoire - a collection of nearly 1000 spells , plus hundreds
of magic items, all in Hero system format!
- Unseen Toronto
- An urban fantasy campaign.
- War
of Treachery Campaign - You will find here a complete description of the
various facets of the world known simply as the Realm.
- Western Shores - A Fantasy Hero campaign world based on the setting provided in the (old) main rulebook
- The World of Ægypt
- Ægypt is a land of dark mystery and brilliant color. Imagine the time
of Sultans, Genies, and Mystery had the rule of the Egyptian gods never waned.
A time where magic is strong in the world and the Gods of old are still waging
their battles on the land on men. Set rages his war against the gods of Light,
using man as their pawns to gain the upper hand. It is a time of great opportunity.
New Kingdoms are expanding. Ancient Empires lie in ruins, waiting to be rediscovered,
but not without cost. Great magic awaits those ready to take the challenge
and accept the danger that guards it. In the heat of the sand and the light
of the caravan adventure awaits.
- The World
of Mater - Mater is a fantasy world where wizards and dragons exist. Knights
on horseback protect the week. Good and evil battle while the Gods watch indifferently.
Mater is a world of legend. It possesses unthinkable beauty and unspeakable
horror. It is a world ripe with adventure.