The Stuff Heroes Are Made Of
Web Directory
- The
Babylon Project - Here you will find all you need to play Babylon 5 characaters
using the Hero System 5th Edition rules.
- Empire of
the Thirteen - The Empire of the Thirteen is a campaign setting for Star
Hero, the science-fiction genre book for the Hero rule system.
Exodus - There are many things to be known about the universe of Exodus. Not the least of which is the entire history of the Doomed Homeworld, Caleon. Out of her ashes, the people spread across the stars, bringing magic and wonder, desperation and hope, fear and death.
- Firefly
Hero - RPG based on teh short lived TV series.
- Guardians
of Quartermain - A Science Fiction Campaign Setting For 5th Edition Hero
- Gizmo Shay'Lya's BOTHAN
SPY NET - A site dedicated to playing Star Wars with Hero System rules.
While it is not a true conversion from the WEG Star Wars Role Playing Game
to Hero System, it is a virtual wellspring of character write-ups, ships,
weapons, equipment, skills, advantages, disadvantages, limitations and original.
- Iain
M Banks Culture Setting - A vague plot arc and background details
for running a series of senarios in a universe inspired by Iain M Banks Culture
books. Ultra-ultra high tech. The characters come from a society that builds
planets and has an anti-prime directive. (We know best and should interfere
to save you from yourselves).
- Kindred
Empires Campaign - The Kindred Empires space opera campaign based on a
one paragraph blurb in Alien Enemies and other gaming minutia. (Alternatives
to the speed table, Coordinating you super team, Adapting the Hits system
from Fuzion to Hero...)
- The Local Group
- A campaign universe set over a thousand years in the future, the Local Group
chronicles a small (400 star system) colony separated from the great Human
Empire. The campaign is set 500 years after the last one-way shipment arrived
from the old Empire. Locked in a civil war, with rebellions springing up in
the border worlds, and an unknown but hostile alien race making an appearance,
there is plenty of room for a variety of campaigns.
Newton's First Law - A Hero science fiction campaign based on lots of stuff
- Robot
Warriors to 4th Edition Hero System - These are changes to the Robot Warriors
rules to use when using RW robot construction and combat rules with the since-updated
Hero System. This should go without saying, but a copy of Robot Warriors is
necessary in order to use these rules. A reasonable familiarity with both
4th edition Hero System and Robot Warriors is assumed.
- The
World of Capri - A Campaign Supplement for Star Hero by Brannon Boren.
- The Mighty Endeavour
Campaign - A Star Hero Campaign.
- Prime Directive
- Star Hero set in the Star Fleet Universe.
- Project: StarRise
- The StarRise Campaign is set in First Contact Era of the Traveller milieu,
utilizing Jason Kemp's TravHERO version of Star HERO, the science fiction
genre of the HERO Roleplaying System.
- Savage Earth
- Savage Earth is a role-playing game using the Hero System rules. It is a
setting of fabulous lost technology living alongside high magic and barbaric
- Shadow Hero - ICE's
Spacemaster and Silent Death Universe using the Hero System Rules
- Shadowpunk
- This is a conversion for Wizkids' (formerly FASA) Shadowrun RPG, and is
one of the most comprehensive conversion write-ups ever. 151 pages! Created
by Damon_Dusk over at the Hero forums, it is presented for you in chapters
for easy download, or as one big optimized PDF file (plus the PDF charts).
Download, enjoy, and make sure you pass on kudos to Damon_Dusk.
- Solar Colonies
- It is the future. Earth is abandoned. A small band of space travellers discovers
a secret plot to destroy the last vestiges of humanity who struggle for survival
on the scattered worlds of the solar system. Will they succeed before time
runs out?
- Space
1889 Hero - The genre is Space 1889, a Victorian space opera. The game
mechanics are Hero System .
- Space Champions
- Welcome to the home of Star Champions, my Sci-Fi game based loosely on the
Star Wars Epics.The story is a cross between the old Traveller system and
Star Wars, the Imperial Government is crumbling under its own weight after
centuries of rule. As with any large empire, corruption and vice are rampant.
The current Emperor Flavius III is a classic despot who believes in ruling
through fear and military power.
- Space
Opera - A Hero: Space Opera campaign set in a version of the old Fantasy
Games Unlimited Space Opera universe. I have worked for years on IBM and Unisys
mainframes as a Computer Op so no apologies for the old fashioned "green-screen"
look of this section!
- Star Hero Fandom - We are here
to support Hero Game's Star Hero product line, by presenting you with worlds,
gizmos, gadgets, gear, aliens, and stories for your Star Hero game.
- Starship Troopers
- The information provided in this reference is not enough to play the Starship
Troopers game. This information is a supplement to the Hero System(tm) detailed
in Champions, The Super Role-playing Game (tm). Some of the information provided
herein is from Robot Warriors (tm) but that reference is not needed to play
this game.
- Star Wars Hero
- A Star Wars adaptation for Star Hero, by Bobby Farris.
- Thanatos'
World - Atlanta. 1999. The Megapolis of the Southeast is the home to one
of the Empire's most powerful families, the Thanatos Family. They own the
market for the famed Repulsor Drive -- the most important development in modern
transportation technology. But the Imperial Government of the United States
tolerates such an accumulation of power and wealth with a jaundiced eye. Power
like that could threaten their own hold on the citizenry.
- Traveller HERO (AKA
TravHERO) - Conversions from the various Traveller milieux to Star HERO
2nd Edition by Jason D. Kemp
- Trek Hero - Star Trek for 5th
Edition Hero System. It's got package deals, Federation races, some weapons,
tricorders, and other cool stuff for both the original series and Next Generation.