The Stuff Heroes Are Made Of
Web Directory
This list is still very much under constructions. If you know of any gaming
conventions that should be listed here, drop me note at
- ConCarolinas -
ConCarolinas is a general Science Fiction convention. For our first year,
2002, we plan to hold a mini-con as a fundraiser for 2003. The first con will
run on Saturday and Sunday, hosting a variety of events including gaming,
panels, fan activities (Filking, SCA, videos, etc.), a con-suite, a dealer
room and small art show. And yes, we plan to have some guests present as well.
In 2003 we will hold our first full-blown Science Fiction con. It will be
larger than year 1, using more space, having more panels, a full art show,
a bigger dealer room and more guests! In year 3 (2004), we hope to be hosting
DeepSouthCon (DSC) in conjunction with ConCarolinas.
- ConQuest - ConQuest features many
different kinds of games, including miniatures games, role playing games (RPGs),
board games, collectible card games (CCGs), and live action role playing games
(LARPs). We welcome all gamers and their families to participate in this wonderful
weekend experience.
- DunDraCon - The longest running Role
Playing Game convention, with over 150 convention sponsored games, and dozens
of tournaments and seminars.
- FlatCon - FlatCon is a gaming extravaganza
hosted at Shirk Athletic Center of Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington,
Illinois on July 20-21, 2002. Roleplaying, miniature, board, and card games
and tournaments from a wide variety of genres will be represented and demonstrated.
Vendors will range from Anime to gaming to fantasy gifts to comics and back.
Our purpose is to promote the gaming hobby.
- GameCon II - A miniatures
and Role-Playing convention in Oakland, CA.
- Gamicon - Gamicon is the annual
game fair held in Iowa City, Iowa. Gamicon offers attendees a variety of games,
including role playing games (RPGs), collectable card games, board and strategy
games, miniatures events, and live action role playing games (LARPs), as well
as special guests, an auction, and FREE pop all weekend (That's soda, for
those of us not from the mid-west).
- Gen Con -
In 1967, a group of friends gathered together to play board wargames. It was
this weekend gathering that initiated an annual gathering drawing over 22,000
people from around the world, known today as the Gen Con® Game Fair.
- GNA's Into
the Woods CampCon - Combining camping with gaming, GNA's Into
the Woods CampCon is offering all manner of board games, RPGs, live-action
gaming, and RPGA events -- all in a beautiful 40 acre group camp group in
Santa Barbara, California.
- Jonescon - As Gainesville, Florida's
only gaming convention JonesCon strives to provide the best pure gaming experience
around. We at JonesCon have always had a "Player First" attitude. With that
thought in mind we are still offering a great weekend of gaming for only $10.
No movies, no con suites, no expensive guests, just great gaming at the same
low price as last year (and the year before, and the year before that, etc...)!
- ManaFest - A fantastic game-a-thon
with all sorts of great gaming: including Role Playing Games, board games,
collectible card games and miniatures!
- MarsCon - Basically MarsCon
is a weekend party for people who enjoy Science Fiction. It's a chance to
get together, meet new friends and talk about SF, or Fantasy or whatever else
you like to talk about. If you like to game, we have lots of gaming. We have
Japanese Animation. We have Special Music. We have Panels and Workshops. We
have a small but nice Dealers Room. We have a huge indoor heated pool. Add
the God Emperor of All Con Suites and you have a great recipe for a con. Basically,
we have lots of fun.
- M.A.C.E - North
Carolina's premier gaming convention. MACE is dedicated to providing the highest
quality games and related activities to you the gamer.
- Origins - Origins
is a national gaming convention started in 1975 by The Avalon Hill Game Company
and Interest Group Baltimore, and is owned and sponsored by the Game Manufacturers
Association. It is the premier showcase of the adventure gaming industry.
- OurCon - Five-College
Area's convention dedicated to hobby games, such as role-playing games, miniatures
games, etc.
- Plattecon Mu
- Plattecon is a gaming convention held at the University of Wisconsin - Platteville,
it was started in 1987 by the Platteville Gaming Association to provide a
convention for gamers in Southwest Wisconsin.
- PolyCon - PolyCon is the premiere
gaming convention of the Central Coast of California. Since 1983, we've provided
the gaming community with a place to gather to enjoy gaming and fun. PolyCon
is located on the campus of California Polytechnic State University, in San
Luis Obispo, California. The main con is usually held in the college's dorm
buildings, in late June.
- PrinceCon - Highly
experienced GMs run inter-related adventures for 48 hours straight in this
annual convention, hosted by Princeton University's gaming club every spring.
- Shauncon & ThunderCon - Kansas City
role-playing conventions run by The Role-Players Guild of Kansas City, Ltd.
- SheVaCon
- A science fiction, fantasy and horror convention in Roanoke, VA.
- Slugathon - The Association of Jason's
Ex-Roommates (AJER) proudly presents the only semi-annual South Bay gaming
convention, Slugathon. This time around promises to kick some major gaming
ass! As always, we've got live Wiz-War & no game fees.
- U*Con Gaming Convention -
U•Con is an annual Gaming Convention held in Ann Arbor Michigan, at the Michigan
Union on the campus of the University of Michigan,Ann Arbor.
WarpCon - WarpCon is the annual gaming
convention run by the Wargaming and Roleplaying Society of University College
Cork. We're one of the largest student-run gaming conventions in the world,
and last year we were awarded the accolades of being both UCC Society Event
of the Year and Irish National Colleges Event of the Year. We run a massive
range of gaming events over the weekend of the convention, covering the entire
spectrum of gaming. Wargaming, roleplaying, CCGs, LARPS and networked computer
gaming are all on the timetable for this year, as well as our annual special
events like the White Wolf Triway. There's also social events in the bar every
night of the con. We do our utmost to make Warpcon the best convention it
can be, and this year, it's going to be even better.
- Winter Fantasy
- After a few years as a general consumer convention the RPGA has reclaimed
Winter Fantasy for its own and made it the club’s signature event of the year.