The Domain of Magni - Marvel,
Wildstorm/Image and original character write-ups for Marvel Super Heroes Adeventure
Game (SAGA). Homemade Marvel and DC character cards for Wildstorm CCG.
The Golden Age of Heroes -
It was a simpler time...A time of just causes and vengence filled characters
who had brightly clad costumes and spunky sidekicks at their sides.
The Homemade Heroes Multiverse
- The only place on the net for Homemade heroes and villians from the Marvel
Superhero Role Playing game.
Martyrs and Madmen
- This is dedicated to the Marvel Superheroes Adventure Game. Look for heroes,
villains, sourcebooks, adventures, and links to other Marvel sites.
The Marvel Atlas
Project - The M.A.P. is an effort to catalog the many different important
locations throughout Marvel's Earth. But beyond simply naming these sites
and their importance, I have placed them in their appropriate locations on
one of several maps of the Earth.
Marvel RPG and more...
- new character descriptions of Marvel characters from the Marvel roleplaying
Marvel Super Heroes
RPG Homebase - This is the home page of the Marvel Super Heroes RPG Mailing
List. For the most up to date info on MSH, these are the people to talk to.
Also features character stats, campaign ideas, story lines, conversions, new
rules, and lots of other good stuff.
Marvel Super
Heroes RPG On-Line - This page provides resources for new gamers and gamers
who have been playing for a long time.
Marvel Heroes RPG Page - My site has rules, characters, equipment, forms,
sheets, character generation, powers and more!
The Mutant Underground Search
Engine - Has all Sorts of stats for the Marvel Role playing game from
TSR and conversions from other comic books (DC and image.)
Negative Zone
- Welcome to the Negative Zone. This is THE Marvel RPG page. It is designed
to help the few people who still play the TSR Role Playing Game based on Marvel
comics. It is created by Nicholas Evanko with tons of help from a lot of people.
The New Defenders
WWW HQ - The New Defenders WWW HQ is the online chronicle for my Marvel
SAGA campaign.
The Phantom's
Lair - The Phantom's Lair has Marvel RPG stats for many characters including
The Midnight sons, D.C. characters and others.
Psyke's Marvel RPG Place
- I made this site in support of the original Marvel Superheroes roleplaying
game, with the new SAGA system being introduced there may be a new generation
of roleplayers finding intrest in the game. With this page I am trying to
collect as much data as possible so that new players have the resources available
to not only learn how to play the game but enjoy and understand it to the
Technohol 13: the
Atomic Drink! - You have uncovered Technohol 13: the Atomic Drink, a groovy
site dedicated to the MSH RPG, Outtakes (our public access nightmare), and
a whole lot more. Lot's of character write-ups for old and new Marvel Super
Heroes RPGs.
TSR Ranger page
- The page is broken down into three sections. The Classic Marvel RPG that
came out sevral years ago. The new SAGA system that came out just resently.
Links pages to other peoples pages