The Stuff Heroes Are Made Of
Web Directory
Atlas of the Greek and Roman World - The Barrington Atlas, created by
the Classical Atlas Project, is a reference work of permanent value. It has
an exceptionally broad appeal to everyone worldwide with an interest in ancient
Greeks and Romans, the lands they penetrated, and the peoples and cultures
they encountered in Europe, North Africa and Western Asia. Scholars and libraries
should all find it essential, although it is not just for them. It is also
for students, travelers and lovers of fine cartography.
- Bodleian Library Map Room
- The Map Room houses the world's seventh largest collection of maps.
- Census TMS Home Page - The home page
for the TIGER Map Service, a project sponsored by the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
The goal of this service is to provide a public resource for generating high-quality,
detailed maps of anywhere in the United States, using public geographic data.
- Earth and Moon
Viewer - From Fourmilab. Coverage:
world, moon, solar system. Realtime weather, terminator, Living
Earth data.
- Exploring
the West from Monticello Home - An Exhibition of Maps and Navigational
Instruments, on View in the Tracy W. McGregor Room, Alderman Library, University
of Virginia.
Map Room - The FEEFHS East European Map Room has a map collection from
the Comprehensive Atlas and Geography of the World (published by Blackie and
Sons in 1882 in Edinburgh, Scotland) cover almost all of central and eastern
Europe, including all of the German Empire and the Russian Empire.
- GIS / Cartography Starting
points - This page is situated at Department
of Surveying and Mapping, The
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and can be used
as startpoint to find various sites related to Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) and Cartography.
Map Web Sites - The Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection at The University
of Texas at Austin.
- The History of Cartography
Project - A research, editorial, and publishing endeavor drawing international
attention to the history of maps and mapping.
Map Room - Here in the map room, you can download maps of the ancient
Mediterranean world, specially prepared by the IAM staff in cooperation with
the APA's Classical Atlas Project. So long as you agree to certain basic conditions
on the use and distribution of these maps, you can use them without charge
in your papers, reports, articles, course packs, handouts, tests and web pages
(see our Copyright and Fair Use Statement for more details).
Images - Illustrating maps from the Ancient, Medieval, & Renaissance
of Maps of Ancient Greek World - This page provides an index to the maps
of Ancient Greece provided as background to the study of Plato and his dialogues.
On all the maps, most names of locations are individually clickable to get
to an entry providing information on the location (mythology, history, famous
citizens, etc.) For more information on the structure of entries and links
available from them, read the notice at the beginning of the index of persons
and locations.
- James Ford Bell Library - The
purpose of [this collection] is to establish an historical background and
knowledge of this great economic force [trade] and the part it has played
and still plays in the development of the present-day world.
--James Ford Bell, 1954
Museum: Maps of the Ancient World - Geography, both cultural and physical,
is extremely important for understanding the ancient world. However, many
students are uncomfortable with it. We plan to make available a set of maps
particularly tailored to the collections in the museum, which will complement
the other on-line materials in this resource.
- MAGELLAN Geographix - Interactive
- MapBlast! - From Vicinity Coverage: US, world. Links to
weather, news, satellite Spatial data.
- MapQuest- From GeoSystems
Global. Coverage: US, world. Point of interest markers, 1.5 million maps/day.
of the Roman Empire -
- Maps
- Mapmaking tools for Game Masters.
of Ancient Earth - Cenozoic through Paleozoic eras.
of the Ancient Roman World - Biblical / history maps.
(Ur) - This image is a reconstruction of the ancient city of Ur, established
around 2100 B.C. as the capital of the Mesopotamian Civilization, which arose
about 3500 B.C. The people of this civilization built a wonderful city, which
was centered on a temple called a ziggrat that towered above all other buildings.
- Microsoft TerraServer - Coverage:
US, world. Multi-scale declassified Russian/US satellite imagery with interactive
- Out of
This World Exhibition - The Golden Age of the Celestial Atlas.
An Exhibition of Rare Books from the Collection of the Linda Hall Library
Ancient Mediterranean World Atlas - Currently the area covered is mainly
Italy, Greece, and Turkey, but we hope soon to expand to Spain, France, and
other areas once under Roman control. Sites are selected by name only at the
moment. We hope soon to implement selection by region (eg "Attica") and selection
by clicking on a large-scale map of the ancient Mediterranean world.
Map Collection - Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection: A feature of
UT Library Online
- Rome Resources - This site
is a collection of "Rome resources" for the The Dalton School community.
Anyone interested in Classical Rome will find this site to be a valuable research
- Tesarta's Map Resources
for Gamers
- Xerox PARC Map Viewer - A
World-Wide Web HTTP server that accepts requests for a World or USA map and
returns an HTML document including an image of the requested map. Each map
image is created on demand from a geographic database.