The Stuff Heroes Are Made Of
Web Directory
- Brats
Inc. - Characters and session records
- Champions: War
Room - Chris Paladino & Bob Kopinsky Champions resources.
- Circle of HEROs
- This is the Homepage for the FIRST ring of webpages dedicated solely to
HEROs, the BEST sites on the Net that are of particular interest to Hero System
players and GMs.
- Derek's Champions Page
- "Rhino Writings", a couple of Champions campaigns, and a complete
list of all books ever published for use with the Hero System.
City - Hero System Character Sheets of the characters from this Mutants
& Masterminds sourcebook.
- Gary Kleppe's Champions Page
- "House Rules" and general information on the game worlds for a
few different types of campaigns that I have run or could run in the future.
- Hero System Mutant Generator
- This web page will allow you to create a randomly generated Hero System
Mutant. The type of mutant generated will be based on points entered in Base
Power, Bio-Mass, Radiation, and Knowledge.
- Improved Random
Mutant Generator - This is a modified version of the mutant generation
tables from The Mutant FileŠ. All I've really done is include Power Modifiers
- Jens-Arthur
Leirbakk's Champions Index - Characters and other stuff.
- Kingdom
of Champions Errata - Official (from the author) errata for the Champions
Supplement Kingdom of Champions.
Welcome to the Metahuman Archive: Testing, Research, Investigation and eXamples
- also known as MATRIX. This is a PRIMUS system for authorized use only.
- Mike's Champions
Resource Page - Campaign settings & house rules for Champions
4th Edition, characters designed for champions 4th edition, and Champions
4th Editon Character Sheets.
- Morpheus Unbound - The purpose
of Morpheus Unbound is to produce quality, well-written and creative fiction,
adventures and rules-supplements for a variety of RPGs.
- Plentiful
resources for Champions the role playing game - A whole bunch of Champions
characters (including character sheet) including : characters I've played
characters of the players in the campaign some of the non player characters
in the campaign My current Champions campaign, featuring a group based in
New York called the Mystic Warriors Tamashindo, a new martial art covering
its history, what it looks like and how it is translated in game terms
- Power Heroes - Welcome to Power Heroes,
dedicated to superhero gaming and home of Liberty: The American Girl. Featuring
gaming articles, background info from my campaign and other "stuff," Power
Heroes is for players of all superhero role-playing games (Champions, Aberrant,
DC Universe, Villains & Vigilantes, Superbabes, Marvel, etc).
- Rick's HERO
Games Page - This is an unoffical web site devoted to Champions
and the HERO Roleplaying Game. Below are a collection of links to
articles that I have written about Champions for the Zine HAYMAKER! and information
about my Dragon Strike game.
- Rook's Super Hero Site - Champions
and Villains and Vigilantes stuff.
- Saturday
Knights Champions Page - Not only is this my all time favorite game, but
the Hero game system is one of the best systems ever for all around gaming.
Easily as flexible as any other generic universal role playing system but
with a far superior combat system that actually moves well. :-)
- Theala Sildorian's Unofficial
Champions Home Page! - News, gossip, and other stuf relating to Champions
and the Hero System.
- Topher Cawlfield's Champions Sheets - I've made various Champions character
sheets which I like more than the sheets which have been provided in Hero
gaming products.
- The Tony Jones
Champions Page - Several campaign worlds, house rules, and equipment.
- The Ultimate Super
Heroic Adventure Archive - A collection of free adventures for Champions
and other super hero role playing game.
- What Rough Beast
- An adventure for Hero System/Champions. Adapted from an adventure
originally published in Adventurer's Club #3, 1983.